10 Exercises To Teach Your Child To Walk

When your baby is about to turn one, he will begin to show signs of being ready to learn to walk. Below, we present some exercises that can encourage the little one to take the first steps.
10 exercises to teach the child to walk

Around the age of 11 to 12 months, the baby will be able to learn to walk. It is normal for a baby to reach this stage between 9 and 15 months. So, you don’t have to worry if the little one is one year old and has not yet learned to walk. However, you can start practicing special exercises with him to teach your child to walk.

The walk will start slowly. Your baby will show you when he is ready to begin this process. For example, it may not stop moving. He can look for furniture, chairs, boxes or anything else to help him stand up longer. When he prepares to learn, he will like adults to help him get up!

A new chapter of learning begins when the child takes the first steps. As a parent, you will feel exhausted and hopeless until the end of it! You will need to follow your child as he moves. But you will be so excited to share these new adventures with your little one!

10 exercises to teach the child to walk

Children holding hands
You can start the journey to the first steps by playing various games.

Walking is not always an easy process for babies. It is a huge achievement in developing the child’s motor skills. Sooner or later, he will become your new walking companion.

To help your child learn to walk, you must first help him build the strength of his leg muscles. Train him daily, but also allow him to have fun. The game is the best tool to help him learn to walk. It prevents muscle discomfort.

Here are some effective exercises to teach your child to walk.

Freshly bathed baby
Playing in the water will bring a lot of leg training opportunities.

Final suggestions to help your child learn to walk

Little girl practicing exercises to teach the child to walk
Make sure the learning area is safe and comfortable.

The child will fall. When he falls, try not to be too worried. Your reaction will scare him more than any fall. He will also learn the fear of falling, which can cause him to give up walking.

Because of this, it is important to provide a safe environment in which the child can learn to walk. There should be no dangerous objects or sharp, unprotected corners around. The area must also be free of hazards, such as power outlets or loose wires.

But what if your baby doesn’t walk? When is it time to talk to your pediatrician? If the baby has not tried to walk at all until 18 months, you should contact your doctor. He will be able to give you the best advice and rule out any major problems.

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