10 Foods For Muscle Mass

Developing muscle mass is a process that requires exercise and proper nutrition. To get the best results, it is necessary to combine these two elements.
10 foods for muscle mass

In this article you will find out which are the best foods for muscle mass, which will help you develop your muscles and tone your body when you start a training program.

This information is especially useful for people who have been training for some time, but have not yet been able to increase their muscle mass. This is most likely because they have omitted an important aspect: adopting a balanced and healthy diet, appropriate to the needs of those who train.

To build muscle mass, it is important not to skip meals. This factor is as important as training, both aspects being complementary.

What to eat to gain muscle mass?

Muscle mass training

People who train regularly should adopt a diet rich in macro- and micronutrients essential for the body. The main nutrients that provide a large amount of metabolic energy are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They are also vital for performing certain body functions.

The energy provided by macronutrients is distributed as follows:

  • Carbohydrates: 1 gram contains four calories.
  • Protein: 1 gram contains four calories.
  • Fat: 1 gram contains 9 calories.

10 foods for muscle mass

1. Carbohydrates

Foods for muscle mass

Experts warn us that these nutrients should not exceed 50% of the daily caloric requirement in the case of an adult. For this reason, it is recommended that you consume carbohydrates from the following sources to stay healthy:

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • Legume
  • Potatoes
  • Cereals and cereal flakes

The foods listed above are a source of “complex” carbohydrates. Unlike “simple” carbohydrates, they gradually release sugars, without leading to a sudden rise in blood glucose levels, which are stored as fat.

2. Whole grain products

They are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates and help maintain a feeling of satiety for a longer period of time.

Also, products containing whole grains are important sources of minerals and fiber, essential for intestinal health and regulating cholesterol levels in the body.

3. Protein

Proteins are molecules made up of essential, semi-essential and non-essential amino acids, which the body is not able to produce on its own. For this reason, it is important not to miss the daily amount needed at your meals.

Most of the protein in the body is in muscle mass (60%), so you should consume 1 g of this macronutrient per kilogram of body weight daily.

Here are some high-protein foods:

  • Dairy products
  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Legume
  • Fish and seafood
  • Whole grain products
  • Soy products

4. Fats

Fats contain vitamins and minerals essential for the body, which help build muscle mass. They should represent between 30 and 35% of the daily caloric intake.

You can consume them as follows: between 20 and 25% unsaturated fats (nuts, olive oil, flax seeds, wheat germ, fish, avocado) and a maximum of 10% saturated fats (fatty dairy products, butter, coconut butter) .

  • Ideally, you should eat healthy fats and avoid trans fats.

5. Eggs: essential foods

Eggs are some of the best foods for muscle mass. If you want to gain muscle, do not hesitate to include them in your diet. Eggs contain a large amount of protein and healthy fats.

Therefore, it is not recommended to eat only egg whites, because egg yolks also contain protein and vitamins. Eggs contain an impressive amount of health-beneficial nutrients.

6. Chicken breast

Boneless chicken breast

Although all chicken is useful, chicken breast is rich in protein essential for muscle mass. Each 100 g of meat provides up to 23 g of macronutrients.

Chicken breast can be easily digested because it does not contain much fat and does not make your stomach feel heavy. To avoid consuming too many calories, it is best to cook it on the grill.

7. Ton

Tuna is also very rich in protein. It can be easily metabolized and is ideal for people who have difficulty gaining muscle mass.

Tuna is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, being an excellent food for cardiovascular health.

8. Brown rice

Brown rice is much healthier than white rice. It contains a high amount of vitamins and fiber, being perfect as a garnish at any meal of the day.

  • Each 100 g of cooked rice provides 350 kcal, 7 g of protein, 74 g of carbohydrates, 2 g of fiber and 2 g of fat.

9. Oats

Oats are one of the best foods for muscle mass. It contains essential macronutrients for the body, especially when it comes to people who train.

But if you are not used to eating oats, it is recommended to gradually introduce it into your diet. When you start consuming it, it can cause constipation.

  • Each 100 g of oats contains 352 kcal, 11 g of protein, 55 g of carbohydrates, 9 g of fiber and 7 g of fat.
  • Eating oats for breakfast is an ideal way to take advantage of the benefits of this food for muscle mass.

10. Nuts, fruits and seeds

There is a wide variety to choose from, such as almonds, Romanian walnuts, flax seeds, quinoa, chia seeds or sesame seeds. They provide high quality protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, a healthy and balanced diet should contain at least one type of these foods.

The most recommended fruit for the muscle growth diet is banana. Bananas provide a large amount of potassium and actively participate in the formation of new muscle cells and the fulfillment of their functions. Bananas also help store carbohydrates that will later be converted into energy. It is ideal to consume them before and after training.

If you want to lose weight, eat apples, because they contain a low number of calories.

We hope that after reading these useful tips you will be able to develop your muscle mass as you always wanted. Do not forget that diet is a very important element to achieve your goal. If you do not eat properly, you will not be able to get the long-awaited results.

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