10 Foods That Clean Veins And Arteries

Although all fruits are rich in antioxidants, pomegranates have the highest concentration. With their help, you can clean your veins and arteries, preventing atherosclerosis.
10 foods that clean veins and arteries

Nutrition has always played an important role in our health, whether it has influenced it positively or negatively. Over time, certain foods can block the arteries, causing circulatory problems and other cardiovascular diseases that can cause death. On the other hand, there are foods that clean the veins and arteries. If you add them to your daily diet, they can help you prevent even other diseases.

According to specialized research, atherosclerosis is one of the diseases that causes the most deaths each year worldwide. This disease is very serious, as it weakens the patient’s immune system, causing infections and other health problems. In addition to atherosclerosis, blocked arteries and veins can cause hypertension and heart disease.

Diet is so important in preventing the diseases mentioned above. Thus,  in this article we will present 10 foods that clean the veins and arteries.


Garlic on the list of foods that clean the veins and arteries

Garlic is first on the list of foods that cleanse the veins and arteries. This food has antioxidant properties that fight free radicals in the body, lowering the level of bad cholesterol and increasing the good one. Thus, garlic improves circulation and fights hypertension.


We recommend that you eat oatmeal for breakfast, as it helps digestion and gives you energy for the whole day. Oats reduce the ability of bad cholesterol to attach to your arteries, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and other heart problems.


Apples are foods that clean the veins and arteries

Apples contain a substance called pectin which, according to Dr. Liz Applegate, a professor and director of the Department of Sports and Nutrition at the University of California, is a fiber that attaches to cholesterol. In addition, apples contain flavonoids, which reduce the risk of heart disease by 50%.


Fatty fish is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, healthy fats that the body needs to function properly and to clean the arteries. The most beneficial varieties of fish for your arteries are: salmon, mackerel, tuna, trout, herring and sardines.


Turmeric on the list of foods that cleanse the veins and arteries

One of the main components of turmeric is curcumin, an anti-inflammatory that protects the heart. Studies have shown that, due to this component,  turmeric helps prevent damage to the arteries that cause blockage.


Spinach is rich in vitamins A and C which. According to specialized studies, the two nutrients prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and other problems such as atherosclerosis.

Oily fruits: foods that clean veins and arteries

Foods that cleanse the veins such as oily fruits

Oily fruits help prevent blockages in the arteries and clean the veins. These wonderful properties are due to the content of monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids, essential for arterial health. The best varieties are: hazelnuts, almonds, pecans and peanuts.

Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil has many health benefits, helping, among other things, to prevent heart disease. This product is a monounsaturated fat that prevents cholesterol from sticking to the arterial walls.


Tomatoes are foods that clean the veins and arteries

Tomatoes are an important source of lycopene, an antioxidant that prevents bad cholesterol from sticking to the arterial walls. According to specialized studies, daily consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of accumulation of atheromatous plaques. 

Pomegranate juice

It has been scientifically proven that pomegranate juice contains more antioxidants than any other fruit juice, including blackberry, blueberry and orange juice. Based on a study of guinea pigs, it has been shown that due to this property, pomegranate juice helps treat atherosclerosis and protects your veins and arteries.

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