11 Alternative Uses Of Lemons

Did you know that lemons can amplify the effects of dishwashing detergents, making it easier to remove hardened fat? Mix these 2 ingredients to remove residues easily.
11 alternative uses of lemons

The beneficial properties offered by lemon are innumerable. To simplify your daily life, do not hesitate to take advantage of the following 11 alternative uses of lemons. Keep them and put them into practice to fully enjoy this healthy fruit!

1. Stimulating weight loss

Alternative uses of lemons for weight loss

Along with water, lemon juice is an incredible detoxifying liquid. For this reason, people who try to lose weight will gain a lot if they consume it. In addition, lemon juice removes toxins from the body and fights cellular aging.

2. Strengthening the immune system

Due to its antibacterial properties and its vitamin C content, lemon has the ability to strengthen the human body’s defenses, fighting the action of free radicals. Eat lemon to strengthen your immunity.

3. Eliminate unpleasant odors from the refrigerator

Alternative uses of lemons to remove odors from the refrigerator

If there is a food in your refrigerator that emits an unpleasant odor, do not complicate it.

  • Simply take the food out of the fridge, then soak a cotton swab in a little lemon juice.
  • Put the tampon in the fridge and leave it to act for a few hours. The citrus scent will refresh the interior of this appliance.

4. A natural air freshener

In addition to the fact that your home will smell better, the following natural air freshener allows you to use lemons to neutralize and disinfect the environment in which you live. Here is a simple recipe that will not empty your wallet:


  • 1 lemon
  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons baking soda


  • Boil the lemon peel in water.
  • Add the vinegar and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Take the kettle off the heat and let it cool.
  • Put the baking soda in a spray bottle and add the previously prepared solution.
  • Shake the bottle and spray the solution throughout the house.

5. A natural disinfectant

Alternative uses of lemons for disinfecting surfaces

Lemon citric acid is a powerful antibacterial component. Thus, one of the most interesting alternative uses of lemons is to fight microbes and bacteria. By combining this ingredient with baking soda, you get an excellent natural disinfectant.


  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda


  • In a bowl, mix the juice of 2 lemons with baking soda.
  • Soak a sponge in the solution obtained and use it to clean the surfaces on which dirt has accumulated.

6. Microwave cleaning

This appliance is not easy to clean. Fortunately, lemon can be very helpful for this purpose.


  • Pour a cup of lemon juice into a container that can be placed in the microwave.
  • Put that container in the device and schedule a 5 minute cycle.
  • The vapors produced by the lemon juice will remove the grease and dirt accumulated inside the microwave oven, making it easier to clean.

7. Eliminate unpleasant odors from shredders

Alternative uses of lemons for cleaning choppers

Often, no matter how much we wash the shredder, this object continues to smell bad. This should not surprise us, as mincemeat comes into constant contact with foods such as garlic, onions and more.


  • Rub the chopper with half a lemon and let the juice act for a few hours.
  • Then wash the chopper with plenty of soap and water.

8. Eliminate unpleasant hand odors

Onions, garlic and fish are foods whose strong smell remains impregnated in the hands. In order not to transmit this smell to other ingredients, rub your hands with half a lemon, then wash well with soap.

9. Fat removal, on the list of alternative uses of lemons

Alternative uses of lemons in the kitchen

Due to its ability to remove grease, this ingredient is frequently used by manufacturers of clay vessel detergent.


  • The fat sticks to the clay vessels. To fix the problem, pour a cup of lemon juice into a bowl.
  • Soak a sponge in lemon juice and add a little dishwashing detergent.
  • Rub the respective bowl with the mixture obtained and it will look like new.

10. Trick to prevent the fruits from turning brown

Each of us has faced this problem at some point. I cut an apple in half, put one of the halves aside, but when we wanted to eat it, I discovered that it had turned completely brown. The same can happen with avocados and other fruits and vegetables.


  • To prevent this inconvenience, rub the piece of fruit with a little lemon juice.
  • The antioxidant power of the liquid will preserve it.

11. Removing stains from clothes

Alternative uses of lemons for washing clothes

The last of these alternative uses of lemons will help you have flawless clothes. Sweat, deodorants, grease, wine, coffee and food will never destroy your favorite clothing items.


  • ½ cup of lemon juice
  • Laundry detergent


  • In a suitable container, mix the lemon juice with a little detergent.
  • Rub the stained material with the solution obtained for a few minutes. Let it work for a few hours, then wash the item as usual.

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