11 Tips For Organizing The House That Works

Do you feel that your home is always messy and disorganized? If so, implement these tips to better organize your home!
11 tips for organizing the house that works

Sometimes organizing the house can seem like endless work. No matter how much you clean, you feel that things are messy again and that your home is always disorganized. Therefore, below we offer you 11 tips for organizing the house that really works.

There is no single strategy for organizing your home, because it all depends on your personality. However, some tips are essential for everyone and applying them can help you organize your home effectively.

11 tips for organizing the house that works

The first thing you need to do is identify the areas of the house that annoy you the most. Analyze them carefully and then think of possible solutions. Don’t try to organize the whole house at once. Dedicate time to each place. Approach the places one by one, even if it will take a few days.

It is also important that you persist in the decisions you make so that you do not end up with a disorganized home again. Given these aspects, you can use the following tips for organizing your home.

1. Do not store things that you no longer use.

Man gluing boxes
Cabinets are often full of unnecessary things. If you don’t use something, it’s time to donate it.

You certainly have countless things that you no longer use stored in a closet or in boxes. This often happens because you hope to use them again or because they awaken your memories: books, ornaments, documents, old clothes or even CDs that you no longer listen to, because you only listen to music on your mobile phone.

All these things that you no longer use, but store, take up space that you can use for something else or that you can clean. If something is stored in a box or in a closet, it will most likely stay there for a long time, taking up unnecessary space. You will see the object every time you try to organize your house and you will store it again for months or even years. It is best to dispose of or donate unused items.

If someone gives you gifts or buys something new, they immediately get rid of the similar old object. Donate it or throw it away if it doesn’t work anymore. Don’t keep it “just in case.”

2. Put things in the same place to organize your house.

Key hanger
Always leave your keys and wallet in the same place.

Lots of items arrive in the house every day, from keys and wallets to shopping, envelopes or briefcases. Find a suitable place for everything, even if you take them with you when you leave. For example, put a key holder near the door or a shelf for your purse and a shelf for magazines. Do not allow everything to accumulate on a table or chair.

Tips for organizing the house intelligently
Using drawer dividers helps keep stored items in order.

Messy and dirty office
People tend to collect objects on tables in order to use them soon. But this never happens.

One of the most common temptations is to put everything on the table. Although the intention is to do this temporarily, in the end, the table will always be crowded. This does not have to happen. Create a rule for this.

Julie Isaac, the creator of the blog Our Uncluttered Home, recommends placing flowers or small decorations on tables so that you can not store other objects.

Calendar for household chores
Planning household chores is a great way to make sure your home is always clean and organized.

If your family is not already helping you with the chores, assign cleaning tasks to each member. Someone should lift the dishes from the table, someone else to wash them and someone else to put them back. Someone cleans the bathrooms and someone else the kitchen. Everyone should also be responsible for cleaning their own rooms and making their own beds.

This rule must be strictly applied. If a family member does not respect her, the others may find an excuse not to do their job.

A comfortable but bad habit is to leave things for later. The problem is that “later” never comes. Therefore, you should ask the children to collect their toys after they have finished playing. Do not allow them to leave the dishes on the table after they have finished eating and wash the dishes and utensils immediately after you have finished cooking.

The tasks you assign to each family member should be completed immediately, not later.

9. Do not hang empty hangers.

Unused hangers
The extra hangers take up space in the closet, which you can use for storage.

Tips for organizing the house starting from the garage
Garages or attics are useful areas, which is why you should not use them only as warehouses.

If you live in a house with a garage or attic, you have the impression that these areas are created to store things that you do not use. Thinking like this, you will end up turning these rooms into disorganized spaces, full of objects that will never be used again.

It simply gets rid of the old stuff, as I explained above. The garage and attic are also part of the house. Don’t turn them into warehouses.

Even if you apply the best strategies to organize your home, it is inevitable that the disorder will not reappear. Therefore, you should dedicate one day of the year to check and make sure that you have not accumulated unnecessary things, that the shelves and drawers are organized and that everything is in place.

Now is the time to start organizing your home better! Check each space and decide where to start. You will thank us later for these tips for organizing the house!

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