12 Foods To Unclog Arteries

In addition to including the following 12 foods in your daily diet, avoid harmful habits such as alcohol and tobacco if you want to clear your arteries. Also, don’t forget to exercise enough.
12 foods for clogging the arteries

“You are what you eat.” This idea is especially true when it comes to eating food to unclog arteries.

People who follow unhealthy diets are forced to suffer negative consequences such as obesity, hypercholesterolemia or high blood pressure. Among other things, a poor diet can cause clogged arteries, which will significantly alter the patient’s health.

In today’s article we will discuss 12 foods for clogging the arteries, which can prevent heart problems.

The best foods for clogging the arteries

Progressive clogging of the arteries (atherosclerosis) is an increasingly common problem in Western societies. This disease causes more deaths per year than smoking or drinking alcohol. Basically, atherosclerosis is a silent enemy that does not cause obvious symptoms.

The walls of the arteries accumulate fats obtained from the foods we eat. If your diet is based on products rich in calories, fat and sugar, the risk of suffering from hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and circulatory problems is very high.

At the same time, this type of unhealthy diet will make you vulnerable to heart disorders. To avoid such diseases and to have an optimal quality of life, do not hesitate to consume the following 12 foods for clogging the arteries:

1. Garlic

Garlic among foods to clog arteries

Garlic falls into the category of foods that should not be missing from the kitchen. With its help, we can give a special taste to the dishes.

This plant is rich in antioxidants with the ability to fight free radicals. In addition, garlic can improve blood circulation and reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

  • Consumption of a clove of garlic a day can clog the arteries, while preventing the accumulation of fat.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil is the healthiest oil available. You can use it to prepare all kinds of dishes.

  • Include olive oil in salad dressings or use it to give meat and fish a unique taste.

Olive oil is very healthy and does not cause the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. This product is good for heart health. However, due to its calorie content, we advise you not to abuse it.

3. Lawyer

Avocado on the list of foods for clogging the arteries

The properties of avocado fruit are similar to those of olive oil. First of all, avocado contains essential fatty acids, which can prevent the oxidation of fat accumulated in the arteries. It also lowers cholesterol and gives a feeling of satiety.

  • Include avocado in your daily diet. You can include it in salads or serve it instead of mayonnaise.

4. Oats

Oats are one of the ingredients that should not be missing from the breakfast menu. In addition to being full, this cereal provides energy and neutralizes the ability of cholesterol to stick to the walls of arteries.

  • We advise you to serve a cup of oatmeal with yogurt or to drink skim milk with oats every morning. If you want, you can also add fruit.

5. Fruits with pectin

Foods for clogging the arteries like apples

This category includes strawberries, apples, grapefruit and grapes. These fruits are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that lowers bad cholesterol (LDL).

  • Opt for pectin fruits instead of the high-fat, low-calorie snacks you are used to serving.
  • Regular consumption of fruit improves health and reduces the risk of heart disease.

6. Asparagus

Asparagus helps to naturally unblock the arteries. In addition, it reduces the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and prevents the formation of clots.

  • Boiled, sauteed, baked or grilled — there is no shortage of ways to cook these small, green, wonderful chopsticks.

7. Pomegranates

Foods for clogging arteries like pomegranates

Specifically, it is about pomegranate juice. This drink offers a significant amount of antioxidants (higher than that offered by the juice of oranges, cranberries or blackberries). If you drink pomegranate juice, you reduce the damage caused by the fat accumulated on the walls of the arteries.

  • It is enough to drink a cup of pomegranate juice for breakfast. For the best possible results, make sure it is completely natural. (It is best to prepare it yourself.)

8. Soy

Soy and its derivatives (including tofu) can easily reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Consuming 3 tablespoons of soy a day helps you to have optimal heart health.

  • Make sure the soy consumed is organic. Also opt for tofu instead of meat.

9. Broccoli

Foods for unclogging items such as broccoli

This delicious vegetable is part of the cabbage family and is rich in vitamin K.

Calcium ingested through the consumption of broccoli supports the natural processes of the human body. Moreover, broccoli provides a high amount of fiber and supports arterial health.

  • You can eat steamed broccoli, sauté with a little olive oil or as a filling for casseroles.

10. Oily fish

This group includes:

  • salmon
  • tone
  • herring
  • mackerel
  • Sardines
  • trout

These fish are healthy because they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are needed to clog arteries. Consumption of oily fish prevents the formation of blood clots and balances blood pressure.

  • Try to eat steamed, baked or grilled oily fish 3 times a week.

11. Eggplants

Eggplants as food for clogging the arteries

This dark vegetable cleanses the arteries and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Eggplant contains soluble fiber, an essential nutrient for heart health. The main advantage of eggplants is their versatility. You can cook them in thousands of ways!

12. Turmeric, on the list of foods for clogging the arteries

Turmeric is a yellowish spice that gives the dishes an incredible taste. It has various interesting properties.

  • For example, turmeric is an antiinflammatory food with the ability to reduce the damage caused by the accumulation of fat in the arterial walls.
  • Another benefit of turmeric is its ability to reduce the risk of blood clots.
Various foods for clogging the arteries

Representative image source: wikiHow.com

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