13 Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is not just a simple disinfectant. It has many uses in the household.
13 uses of hydrogen peroxide

Have you ever thought that hydrogen peroxide is more than just a disinfectant that you can use when cutting your hand? In this article we will talk about the most interesting uses of hydrogen peroxide. Read on and you will be surprised!

Uses of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the only disinfectant consisting only of hydrogen and oxygen. For this reason, it is considered to be one of the most effective and safe natural disinfectants. But the other uses of hydrogen peroxide are not very well known. Here are some of them:

1. Can whiten clothes

Put some hydrogen peroxide in the washing machine, and your bleach will never turn yellow. In addition, hydrogen peroxide can remove blood stains from carpets — all you need to do is apply a little hydrogen peroxide to the stain, leave it on for a minute, and then rub the carpet with a brush and wash with regular cold water. .

2. It can help you take a detoxifying and invigorating bath

Put a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration) in a tub full of regular hot water. Put yourself in the bathtub for half an hour, and the bacteria that cover your skin will disappear immediately. If necessary, add more hot water so that the temperature remains constant.

Uses of hydrogen peroxide for beauty

3. It can get rid of the foot fungus

Prepare a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (50%) and tap water (50%), apply it between the toes or under the toenails, and then let the air dry. If you have a chronic infection, mix twice as much hydrogen peroxide with distilled water and apply twice a week.

4. It can help you cleanse your colon or make an enema

To cleanse your colon, mix a cup of hydrogen peroxide with 15 liters of tap water. To make an enema, mix a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with a liter of hot distilled water.

5. Prevents infections

Put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on an infected wound or cut several times during the day. If gangrene has begun to develop, immerse the affected area in pure hydrogen peroxide.

6. It can drive away mites

If the mites hit you with a fork, simply apply a little pure hydrogen peroxide on the affected area once an hour.

Mites killed with hydrogen peroxide

7. Relieves sinus infections

Mix a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with a cup of plain water, pour the mixture into a container and you get a wonderful nasal spray.

8. It can be used to gargle or take care of your mouth

Keep some hydrogen peroxide (enough to fill a glass stopper) in your mouth for ten minutes without swallowing it and you will prevent or get rid of canker sores, and your teeth will whiten and be less vulnerable to cavities. Many people use hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash after brushing their teeth or making toothpaste from it and a little baking soda.

You can protect your toothbrush from germs if you keep it immersed in hydrogen peroxide when you are not using it. In addition, thanks to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, hydrogen peroxide can also relieve toothache.

9. Can be used to lighten hair color

Dilute hydrogen peroxide in normal water (50/50), pour the mixture on your hair after taking a shower, and then comb your hair. Your hair will only lighten a little, so you don’t have to worry that it will be a radical change.

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10. It can help you clean your house

If, in addition to your usual cleaning products, you arm yourself with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide, your furniture, windows and mirrors will shine. In addition, a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide is enough to make your dirty plates look like new.

You can try to combine hydrogen peroxide with a little vinegar. You will get a natural, economical and very useful disinfectant, which you can use to disinfect fruits, toys, shoes, towels, floors, etc. This wonderful liquid can even help you remove mold from the roof of your house or from the floors.

11. It can help you get rid of pimples

After washing your face with soap and water, soak some cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide and apply the liquid on the affected areas of the pimples. Take advantage of these uses of hydrogen peroxide twice a week, but be careful — the product may irritate or dry your skin.

Uses of hydrogen peroxide to combat acne

12. Can cure sore throats

A gargle of hydrogen peroxide is enough to relieve a sore throat. Simply prepare a solution of normal normal water and ¼ hydrogen peroxide and gargle with it (don’t forget you don’t have to swallow it). Bacteria in your throat will be killed and you will be protected against infections.

13. It can clean your ears

Mix a drop of hydrogen peroxide with a little warm water and you will get a solution with which you can remove the wax from your ears. Have you ever thought that this is on the list of uses of hydrogen peroxide?

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