3 Exercises For The Lumbar Spine

The lower back is one of the parts of the body that suffers the most daily due to poor posture, work activities, etc. Today, we will suggest 3 exercises for the lumbar spine using your hands and feet, which will help you tone this part of the body.
3 exercises for the lumbar spine

Many of our daily activities force us to adopt a wrong posture. Spending time bent or seated can weaken the lumbar region. To counterbalance this effect, it is important to tone this area of ​​the body. Given this, we want to share 3 exercises for your lumbar spine using your arms and legs.

The chairs we use are part of the problem. To have a straight back, the hip joint should be flexed at 90 °. This is not a natural position. To compensate and get a wider curve, we tend to slip off the chair. As a result, we bend over backwards to reach the office or the computer.

This position puts a lot of pressure on the lumbar region because the spine stretches too much and weakens. Moreover, the buttocks suffer from an almost complete lack of movement during these hours and the muscles begin to atrophy. And without the strong muscles of the buttocks, the rest of the structure begins to suffer. Eventually, this chain of events leads to back pain.

Fortunately, there are certain exercises for the lumbar spine that can strengthen the back and relieve discomfort. Discover them below!

3 exercises for the lumbar spine

Man who needs exercises for the lumbar spine
Abdominal muscles, leg muscles and back muscles play an important role in strengthening the lumbar region.

To relieve pain, tension, stiffness and low back pain, it is important to strengthen your abdominal, lower back and leg muscles. This will help prevent any back damage. Fortunately, there are very simple exercises that you can do at home, without the help of accessories or sports equipment.

You need to perform specific strengthening exercises for the lumbar region, abdomen and legs three times a week to feel the benefits. Moreover, it is important to perform them correctly and regularly, to relieve pain.

Note: To perform these exercises, it is important to consult a specialist first. He or she will be able to assess your physical condition.

Girl doing exercises for the lumbar spine
This position requires balance to be able to do the stretches. Keep your back straight.

This exercise consists of alternately lifting one arm and one leg at a time. To start, sit with your knees and hands on the floor, in line with your shoulders.

Make sure your back is as straight as possible by tightening your abdominal muscles. Then he lifted one foot off the floor, raising his opposite arm at the same time. Raise both limbs to the height of the torso, as you can see in the photo above.

For example, if you raise your right leg, then you will simultaneously raise your left arm, maintaining your balance. Stretch your arm and leg as much as possible. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then repeat with opposite limbs. You can do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

If you have difficulty maintaining balance, then you can do this exercise in stages. First, raise one arm until it is parallel to the floor and then raise the foot on the same side. Finally, repeat the exercise with the opposite side.

Extension exercise for the lumbar region

Woman doing sports
After stretching your arms and legs, you should hold this position for a few seconds.

This exercise will help you stretch your lumbar region, relieving pain, discomfort and inflammation. People suffering from low back pain can perform this exercise three times a week. In fact, these stretches are beneficial even if you are not experiencing discomfort at the time. In other words, they are a good way to prevent future crises.

To perform a lumbar extension, lie on the floor face down. Stretch your arms forward while simultaneously stretching your legs back. As you do this, keep your legs slightly apart and place your palms on the floor.

Then tighten the gluteal muscles and the lower back. Raise your legs as well as your upper body. Now hold this position for two seconds and return to the starting position. You can perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

The cat and the camel

Exercises for the lumbar spine on the floor
This exercise alternates flexion and extension of the lumbar region.

This is one of the most recommended exercises when it comes to relieving low back pain. During this exercise, you will increase the range of motion of the dorso-lumbar joints.

To perform this exercise, you will need to place your hands and knees on the floor and keep your back straight. The idea is to progressively move from maximum flexion to the extension of the lumbar region. To do this, you need to arch your back up, bringing your neck down (camel).

Then you will have to arch your back down with your neck outstretched (cat). Hold each of these positions for 5 seconds, performing 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

The lower back will enjoy these lumbar spine exercises that you can do at home. And not only that: your overall health will only gain. So what are you waiting for?

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