3 Lemon Drinks You Can Enjoy In The Morning

Eating lemon in the morning helps to strengthen the immune system. Combined with other natural ingredients, it enhances its effect.
3 lemon drinks that you can enjoy in the morning

You probably already know the benefits of drinking lemon- containing drinks in the morning on an empty stomach. 

Lemon juice is very good for detoxifying the body and improving its functions, in addition it is an extraordinary source of vitamins and minerals. How to resist them?

Lemon drinks recommended in the morning

Lemon improves digestion, has a diuretic effect and strengthens the immune system. We can not give up the healthy habit of eating  lemon in the morning, even in the form of beatings or other empty. But in this article we present  three suggestions drink with lemons is that you’ll love. Which one will you try tomorrow?

1. Smoothie with aloe vera and lemon


This combination is perfect for detoxifying the body and losing weight. It is a simple and comforting drink – a pleasant way to start your day. You will also see the results.

How to prepare smoothie with aloe vera and lemon?

You need the following ingredients:

  • 20 g aloe vera
  • a cup of water (250 ml)
  • the juice of a lemon
  • 5 g of honey

To prepare the smoothie, first squeeze the translucent gel from the fleshy side of the aloe vera leaves and mix it with a cup of boiled water.

Add the juice of a lemon to the mixture and let it cool. It is very good to drink this smoothie at room temperature. If you add a teaspoon of honey, it will be even more delicious.

2. Lemon with baking soda


Combine the juice of a lemon with a teaspoon of baking soda to get an invigorating and healthy drink. Many consider it a cure for cancer, a true miracle for health.

Although it is good to be objective and cautious when it comes to such supposed miracles, it is still worth trying this alkaline remedy at least twice a week. Improves digestion, fights acidity, purifies the body and regulates bad cholesterol.

How to prepare the drink with lemon and baking soda?

You need only 250 ml of water, 5 g of baking soda and the juice of a lemon. Drink it fresh, on an empty stomach, and then have breakfast. You will see how good you will feel!

3. Lemon juice with mint, ginger and turmeric


Do you know the secret of the lemon, ginger, mint and turmeric cocktail? It is excellent for the stomach and healthy! This combination of purifying and anti-inflammatory ingredients  improves digestion and helps you burn accumulated fat.

Consume drinks with lemon, ginger and turmeric at least 10 times a month, in the morning, on an empty stomach. If you want a more intense treatment, to get a flat stomach, you can consume not only a glass in the morning, but 1 liter throughout the day. It is easy and economical, but you need to be consistent and complete this treatment with exercise and a proper diet.

How to prepare the drink with lemon, mint and turmeric?

You need the following ingredients:

  • A cucumber, peeled and sliced.
  • Lemon juice.
  • A cup of water (250 ml).
  • 10 g of mint.
  • A teaspoon of fresh ginger.

Make mint tea first . Add lemon juice and ginger and then chopped cucumber using a blender. It’s easy. It is not like that? To get a delicious and invigorating drink, put a few ice cubes. Try it!

We hope you are ready to try one of these delicious and healthy lemon drinks in the morning !

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