3 Natural Remedies For Back Pain

Low back pain often occurs after a fall or a blow to the back. However, it can also occur due to poorly performed exercise, lifting heavy objects or incorrect posture.

Lumbar injuries can cause intense pain in the back and waist, although they can also be felt in the buttocks. They are usually caused by a wrong posture or injuries. To get rid of this problem, you need natural remedies for back pain.

Types of low back pain

Woman in need of remedies for back pain
Low back pain can be acute and can go away quickly or become chronic (long lasting).

To properly treat back pain, it is important to understand the symptoms. Two of the most common types of back pain are:

Acute low back pain

It is characterized by pain that occurs after a sudden movement or a wrong posture. Acute pain should go away on its own after three or four days.

If you have frequent back pain that lasts more than 12 weeks, you may have a chronic problem. It is estimated that about 20% of all cases of low back pain are chronic and are regularly associated with pregnancy, obesity, arthritis and stress. Interestingly, women are most at risk for chronic back pain.

Correcting your posture and avoiding situations that could injure your back are two simple ways to treat pain. However, although these may be the first steps towards healing, you can also resort to physiotherapy, acupuncture or massage.

3 natural remedies for back pain

White willow bark is an anti-inflammatory and can help relieve the symptoms of fever. For this reason, it is often recommended for colds and flu. In addition, white willow bark is a pain reliever and works especially well when applied to the joints. It is very useful for healing back pain.

White willow bark teas can be consumed up to three times a day, preferably mixed with other plants that can enhance its medicinal properties and improve taste. We recommend that you use mouse tail, mint, cuddly and horse tail.


Natural remedies for back pain with ginger
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve low back pain. Use it locally or in an herbal tea.

Ginger is famous for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it one of the best natural remedies for back pain. You can drink ginger tea or apply it directly on the painful area as an ointment or compress.

To make an infusion, mix two tablespoons of ginger with half a liter of water. You can consume the drink or use it as a compress.

Moreover, ginger is popular for its relaxing effects that help relieve inflammation and pain, which is why ginger oil is great for massage. To prepare it, mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with 10 drops of almond oil. Then apply the mixture directly on the painful area and massage gently.

Studies show that the devil’s claw can reduce short-term back pain and the need to take painkillers. However, it is important to remember that you must use the devil’s claw for at least 2 to 3 months to get lasting effects in treating low back pain.

The devil’s claw is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic. Due to its analgesic properties, its use is recommended for the treatment of inflammation of bone tissues and tendons. There are devil’s claw capsules in doses of 450-500 mg.

The devil’s claw can also prevent spasms. For this reason, people use it to treat digestive problems such as gas, lack of appetite or bloating.

How to prevent the return of pain

Woman doing yoga
Regular relaxation practices can help prevent pain and muscle tension.

One of the best ways to prevent back pain is to avoid stress and anxiety. Stress has harmful effects on the body and is one of the main causes of muscle tension, which leads to pain and discomfort.

Therefore, when you feel discomfort in the lumbar area, sit in a chair and bend forward, touching your thighs with your chest. Stay in this position for a few seconds. You should feel the extension of the lumbar area.

In addition, the consumption of herbal teas with lemon and lavender will help calm the nerves and relieve muscle tension. Of course, physiotherapy, recovery exercises, acupuncture, and relaxation and concentration practices, such as yoga, tai chi, and meditation, are effective ways to treat and prevent back pain.


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