4 Alternative Snoring Treatments

Snoring can be caused by certain health problems and harmful habits. Today we offer you some alternative treatments that can help you keep it under control.
4 alternative treatments for snoring

People who snore – as well as those who have to sleep next to them – try to find solutions to fix the problem. After all, daily snoring can be associated with certain conditions, such as cardiovascular or respiratory disorders. In today’s article, we will present some alternative treatments for snoring, whose properties have been studied by researchers. However, in some cases, their effectiveness is based only on anecdotal data. However, it could help you control snoring and avoid invasive options.

Classic snoring treatments

Snoring occurs when air circulating to the lungs encounters resistance, but can also be a symptom of respiratory problems. When it is severe, specialists consider it a sleep disorder.

For many years, the basic treatment for snoring has been surgery consisting of electrical stimulation of the dilator muscles of the upper respiratory tract.

CPAP therapy

Woman connected to a CPAP device
CPAP devices are indicated in case of obstructive sleep apnea because they facilitate adequate air circulation during sleep.

CPAP is an acronym for a phrase that can be translated as “continuous positive airway pressure.” Doctors recommend the use of CPAP devices to control sleep apnea and, implicitly, snoring.

This device puts pressure on the tongue and throat to keep the airways open, facilitating air circulation. Unfortunately, CPAP therapy can have side effects.

The best alternative treatments for snoring

1. Low sodium diets

Although there are not many studies on this subject, some experts recommend snoring patients to adopt a diet low in sodium and rich in natural diuretics. This solution may be useful because it reduces the level of fluid accumulated in the body, a factor associated with sleep apnea.

When you lie in bed, these fluids circulate from the feet to the neck. Therefore, combating fluid retention could improve snoring. The specialists propose the following:

  • Let’s eliminate salt from our diet.
  • Season the food with herbs, spices, garlic, onion or lemon juice, among others.
  • Do not eat processed foods such as sauces, soups, sausages, canned goods, soy sauce or cheese.
  • Let’s eat more fruits, vegetables and salads.

2. Treatment with ginger, turmeric and garlic

Ginger bowl in powder form
The use of natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory effect can help reduce inflammation and control snoring.

This second treatment involves using three medicinal foods with anti-inflammatory properties: ginger, turmeric and garlic. If you eat them regularly, you will reduce the inflammation in the airways that causes snoring.

You can include the foods mentioned in the diet or take them as supplements. These are antioxidant and depurative remedies that will improve your overall health.

3. Magnesium treatment

And supplemental magnesium are useful snoring. Researchers have shown that this mineral is effective in balancing the nervous system, reducing inflammation and improving sleep quality, among other things.

But this treatment must be supplemented with improvements in diet and lifestyle to give yield. Also, keep in mind that you should not take any type of supplement without medical supervision.

4. Hypnotherapy

Specialist presenting alternative treatments for snoring a patient
Some forms of psychotherapy, such as hypnotherapy, have come to the attention of specialists as possible treatments for snoring.

Hypnotherapy is a type of psychotherapy based on guided relaxation and concentration techniques. Until recently, it was used as an alternative treatment for alcoholism, smoking and weight loss.

A recent study suggests that this method of hypnosis may help patients who snore recover. Specifically, regular hypnotherapy may, over time, reduce the intensity and duration of snoring.

Ineffective treatments against snoring

Nowadays, there are many devices and products to control snoring in a fast and “natural” way. These treatments are very tempting because they promise us fast results at good prices. But the problem is that their effectiveness has not been proven.

Products in this category include:

  • Anti-snoring bracelets with electrodes;
  • Sprays for post-nasal leaks, which work only when the cause of snoring is congestion caused by a cold;
  • The nasal strips for opening the airways, which have a superficial action, do not target the soft palate and could cause nasal congestion.

Now that you’ve discovered some alternative snoring treatments, don’t hesitate to change your diet, try hypnotherapy or take magnesium supplements. Don’t forget the importance of fighting excess weight and quitting smoking.

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