4 Habits To Avoid If You Have Chronic Gastritis

In this article, we will show you 4 habits that you should avoid if you have chronic gastritis. Eliminating these habits can help you feel better.
4 habits to avoid if you have chronic gastritis

Gastritis is the inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It is a condition that can be temporary, but if not treated in time, it can become a long-term digestive disease. So, do you know what habits you should avoid if you have chronic gastritis?

In this article, we will show you 4 habits that you must avoid at all costs. You may even ignore some of them or adopt them without realizing that they are harmful. They can affect the digestive system. Find out more in the rows below!

4 habits to avoid if you have chronic gastritis

The membranes that cover the stomach wall protect it from acid and germs. If this protective layer becomes irritated or damaged, it may become inflamed.

Inflammation of the stomach lining is called gastritis. Usually, certain bacteria or regular use of anti-inflammatory analgesics irritate the stomach. Because of this, it is best to go to the doctor and receive the best treatment, as well as to avoid habits that can aggravate the problem.

1. Consumption of certain irritants

Smoking on the list of habits to avoid if you have chronic gastritis

One of the most harmful habits is to eat irritating substances or foods. They further damage the digestive mucosa and make your symptoms worse.

Of course, irritants include tobacco and alcohol, as well as coffee and tea. In the case of alcoholic beverages, it is best to replace them with other beverages. For example, you can try natural fruit and vegetable juices.

Some spices can also be irritating, such as ginger, pepper or mustard. In addition, sugar and sugary foods can cause long-term damage, even if they do not cause immediate discomfort.

3. Drug abuse

Woman taking antacids

Many people with heartburn or chronic gastritis use antacids to relieve their discomfort. However, regardless of whether they are medications or remedies based on baking soda, it is better to use them only from time to time. Also, use only what your specialist recommends.

Antacids are not the solution to the problem. In fact, they can affect your digestive system in the long run because they interfere with gastric juices. In addition, they may predispose you to other more serious digestive diseases in the future.

There are also antacids that do not irritate the stomach. In addition, there are foods that can relieve symptoms, such as apples, cucumbers, papaya or plums.

The last of the habits that aggravate chronic gastritis is stress. What is the connection between gastritis and stress? Stress increases the secretion of gastric acids that cause this digestive disorder.

In this sense, to treat chronic gastritis, you will need to change some of your daily habits in order to relax. Eating herbal teas or taking supplements, as well as activities such as yoga, meditation or tai chi are some beneficial examples.

Conclusion: what to avoid if you have chronic gastritis

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