4 Natural Treatments For Nail Problems

Nails are a component of our physical appearance, being visible to everyone. That is why we must take proper care of them. 
4 natural treatments for nail problems

Nail problems can have various causes, but the results are always unsightly. In addition, the appearance of the nails can provide clues to a person’s health. In the following, we present some natural treatments for nail problems.

Nails are the hardened pieces of skin that protect the fingers and toes. They are made of keratin, a fibrous protein that forms several layers in the nail. If your nails look good, you don’t have to worry. But if they are fragile and have an unusual color, you have to be careful.

When it comes to the aesthetic side, hygiene is very important. A pleasant physical appearance is supported by all the visible elements of the body. That is why there are so many beauty products and treatments. Diversity gives color to life, doesn’t it?

When it comes to beauty,  the best advice we can give you is to opt for natural products instead of chemicals. Moisturizers, nail polish, acetone and other care products that seem harmless at first glance can damage your nails. Thus, you may face problems such as fungus, lesions, blemishes, unpleasant odor, nails raised in the flesh (due to the fact that they were not cut properly) and sometimes even detachment of the nails.

In this article we invite you to discover the best natural treatments for nail problems.

Natural treatments for nail problems

1. Nail fungus treatment

The need for natural treatments for toenail problems

This is one of the most common nail problems. Nail fungus is a fungal infection that affects the health of the nails. It can be caused by poor hygiene, humidity or heat and feeds on keratin.

To combat nail fungus naturally, we recommend using tea tree oil. This is a powerful antiseptic remedy, as effective as antifungal ointments and creams prepared in the laboratory.


  • Apply this remedy after taking a shower and wiping your nails well.
  • Apply two drops on the affected nail and let it dry.
  • Repeat the treatment every day after the shower, until you notice a considerable improvement.

2. Treatment for fragile nails

Natural treatments for hand nail problems

Nail fragility can be caused by several factors, from general health to constant exposure to products that weaken keratin resistance.

If you are interested in natural treatments for nail problems, start with the diet and try to eat more calcium-rich foods, such as milk, cheese and oilseeds. Other ways to strengthen nails are:

  • Almond and lemon oil. Mix the ingredients well, apply the solution on the nails, leave it to act for 2 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Coconut oil. Massage your nails with warm coconut oil and leave it on for 1 minute.
  • Argan oil. Massage your nails with argan oil for two minutes.

3. Cracked nails

Natural treatments for fragile nail problems

Chemicals in cleaning products, citrus fruits and certain abrasives can damage nails, prevent healthy growth and cause them to crack.

Nails come into contact with many objects and substances. Therefore, we need to take proper care of them. Do not forget that nails also indicate the health of the body.


  • Wear gloves when cleaning.
  • From time to time, it is recommended to apply a nail polish to protect them.
  • Eat foods that help grow nails, such as milk, eggs, avocados and spinach.
  • Do your manicure and pedicure every week. This condition is not mandatory, but you need to make sure that your nails grow properly and have no problems.

4. Incarnate nails

Natural treatments for nail problems such as their growth in the flesh

This is one of the most unpleasant nail problems. Incarnate nails are caused by inadequate footwear, nail deformities, improper care and cutting. Most often, this problem occurs in the big toe, but can be present in any nail.


  • Soak the affected foot in hot water, let it sit for two minutes, then wipe well.
  • Gently massage the affected area with olive or almond oil.
  • Put a small piece of cotton wool under your fingernail.
  • After the area softens, cut the nail carefully with a clean, sharp nail.
  • Cut the nail into a square shape.

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