4 Oils That Repair Damaged Hair

The regenerating power of olive oil can help your hair to be stronger and healthier. In addition, this oil can reduce the messy appearance of the hair.
4 oils that repair damaged hair

Nothing is more unpleasant than when you have damaged hair. It’s no secret that all women — and even many men — are always worried about the health of their hair. But don’t worry: to help you, in this article we present you four oils that repair naturally damaged hair, restoring its shine.

Oils that repair damaged hair

Among the most popular oils that repair damaged hair are:

  • Argan oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Almond oil

These four oils are the best if you want to give your hair back its shine and vitality and are very useful if your hair has started to split. Read on to find out how each one works.

Argan oil

This oil offers us so many benefits that many people call it the “liquid gold of Morocco”. Argan oil is rich in vitamin E and Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, being very useful to care for damaged hair.

How to use it

  • Drizzle a little argan oil in your palm, and then apply it to the tips of damaged hair — this way, the tips will close and your hair will become more flexible and resilient.
  • Apply it on the hair roots and leave it to act for 25 minutes. Then rinse with water as usual, and your hair will be revitalized.

Coconut oil

Oils that repair damaged coconut oil

If you want your hair to be shinier and healthier, you don’t need more than a few drops of coconut oil. In addition, this oil will moisturize damaged hair and get rid of dandruff.

Several studies have shown that the best coconut oil is virgin.

How to use it

  • Put a few tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl, and then dip this bowl in hot water to heat it. Apply warm oil on the scalp, and then put on a shower cap and do not take it off for 20 minutes. Then wash your head as usual, using plenty of shampoo and conditioner for damaged hair.

Olive oil

This is one of the most used oils that repairs damaged hair, thanks in large part to its vitamin E content, which helps hair to be stronger and healthier. In addition, olive oil has regenerating properties, which help to grow hair and maintain its shine.

Last but not least, this oil can reduce the unwanted curly appearance of the hair and give more volume to damaged, soft or dry hair.

How to use it

  • Massage your hair with extra virgin olive oil, from roots to tips, and then cover your head with a warm towel for five minutes. After this period expires, wash your head as usual. Repeat this treatment once every 15 days — it is ideal for dyed hair or damaged hair continuously exposed to hair dryers and curlers.
  • Prepare a mixture using four tablespoons of olive oil and a beaten egg. Apply it on the hair and leave it on for 15 minutes, and then wash your head with warm water.
  • * Regenerating hair mask: Mix three tablespoons of olive oil with a little honey. Let the mixture stand for 24 hours, and then wash your hair, wet it and apply your mask. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then wash your head with water again.

Almond oil

Migadale used in oils to repair damaged hair

Almond oil can repair damaged hair and increase its volume. We advise you to look for hair masks, shampoos and other hair treatment products that contain this ingredient, because it is not good for the scalp to come into direct contact with this oil — it can give your hair an oily appearance!

How to use it

  • Apply sweet almond oil on the tips, massaging gently until it penetrates the strands. Then wet a towel with warm water, wrap your head in it and take it off after five minutes. Then wash your head twice to make sure you don’t have any oil left on your hair.

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