5 Conditions That Cause Back Pain

Although back pain is not always based on serious problems, we must be vigilant and not underestimate this symptom, especially if it persists for more than a week. Here are 5 conditions that cause back pain!
5 conditions that cause back pain

Sometimes the body warns you that there is a problem by producing certain symptoms. They occur in specific regions where health has been compromised. So it should come as no surprise to us that there are various conditions that cause back pain.

When the body warns us that something is wrong, we must obey it. Your organs (or joints, bones, muscles, and more) may no longer function properly. In today’s article, we will present some conditions that cause back pain.

What do we mean when we say back ? We are talking about that region that extends from the base of the neck and shoulders to the waist. The spine determines its length. This region covers organs such as the lungs and kidneys.

The back plays a very important role: keep the body in place or move it, depending on your intentions. At the same time, it allows the body to have a stable center of gravity. The back also covers and protects the spine.

Basic information about back pain

Woman suffering from ailments that cause back pain

Back pain is one of the most common health problems. They can be chronic or intense. In other words, the discomfort can go away in just a week or it can persist for more than three months.

Sometimes back pain goes away on its own, even if you don’t know what caused it. If they are based on a more serious problem, you can seek treatment. It can range from hot compresses to anti-inflammatory drugs.

What are the main conditions that cause back pain?

In the following, we will discuss some issues that can directly affect the back, causing pain.

1. Prostate cancer

Man consulted by doctor

Prostate cancer is a possible cause of back pain because it can affect the fifth vertebra of the spine. One of the complications of this disease is lumbago (pain in the right side of the back).

Furthermore, prostate cancer can cause sacroiliitis. This is an inflammation of one or both sacroiliac joints, located at the end of the spine, on either side of the pelvic region.

2. Endometriosis

The pain caused by endometriosis can be very intense. It is based on uterine contractions, as well as scars formed by damage to the endometrial mucosa.

When you suffer from endometriosis, you may experience back or chest pain. The discomfort specific to endometriosis can be alleviated with the help of medications and hot baths, which relax the muscles.

3. Scoliosis

Spine attacked by conditions that cause back pain

Scoliosis is a very pronounced lateral deviation of the spine. One of its main symptoms is back pain, which can be intense or persistent.

4. Lumbago

Lumbago involves pain caused by inflammation of a ligament or back muscle. This condition can also occur when a microscopic rupture occurs in the affected region.

Initially, the patient makes a sudden movement, such as lifting a heavy object or a wrong stretch. The pain given by the lumbago can be short-lived or so intense that the patient can no longer move.

5. Osteoporosis

Bones attacked by diseases that cause back pain

Osteoporosis causes intense back pain, which is caused by the continuous fracture of the vertebral column. This disease can develop over several years, during which time the patient is asymptomatic. Over time, the pain begins to appear.

To prevent back pain, take care of your body!

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