5 Healing Plants That You Can Grow At Home

Aloe vera, mint, chamomile … There are many plants with incredible medicinal properties that you can grow at home.
5 healing plants that you can grow at home

It doesn’t matter if you have a small house. It is worth making an effort to grow these healing plants at home. All you need is a few pots to place in a bright place and water from time to time.

Aloe vera, mint, chamomile… They are miraculous plants for health, and children can see how they grow and thus learn about the wonders that nature offers.

Healing plants that can be grown at home

If you make a mini garden of medicinal plants at home, you can practically always have a small natural pharmacy at hand. This is very helpful when you suffer from colds, stomach aches, wounds or maybe you just need a little relaxation.

Nature is amazing and truly wise, making available to anyone remedies that we only need to know.

Why not make sure you have some herbs right in your home? It is really necessary. And it’s worth it! So, here are some types of healing plants that can be grown very easily.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera on the list of healing plants

Aloe vera does not need much attention. The pot should be placed in a bright place. An excellent option is the balcony, but you must be careful to protect the plant from the cold in winter and water it from time to time.

Its fleshy leaves are rich in water, enzymes and amino acids that repair damaged skin. By cutting them, you can extract a gel with therapeutic properties.

If you want to grow aloe vera at home, it is advisable to opt for a clay pot, not a plastic one. Fill it with ordinary soil with 50% moss and add a layer of two gravel fingers for optimal drainage.

2. Mint

Mint on the list of healing plants

Who could refuse a mint tea served in the afternoon? This infusion, to which other herbs can be added, has a calming effect and relieves stomach pain. With mint leaves you can also decorate various dishes or desserts.

This plant can be used to repel bees, lice or other insects. Mint is one of the most pleasant natural remedies that can be grown in a pot in the apartment or in the garden.

But how should this plant be cared for? Very simple! Mint can be planted in pots at any time of the year and needs minimal care.

In a ceramic pot, put soil, peat, possibly fertilizer, and it is good to put a layer of gravel on the bottom to prevent root rot. In addition, you need to place the pot in a place where the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight.

3. Sage

Healing plants that you can grow in the garden

Do you know what the word “sage” means? The term comes from Latin and can be translated as “healing”. To grow this miraculous plant at home, you need a clay pot, but a layer of gravel must be placed under the ground to drain the water.

Salvia loves the sun, which is why it is good to put it on the balcony or look for the brightest space in the house.

As a natural remedy, sage has relaxing effects, treats digestive problems, reduces inflammation and relieves headaches. You must have this plant around!

4. Parsley

Healing plants such as parsley

If you need an effective detoxifier, use parsley! It cleanses the kidneys, fights bad breath, protects the immune system, is rich in iron and, in addition, gives a very good taste to food. This plant should be available to anyone, being ideal for daily consumption.

So how do you grow parsley at home? Very easy! Parsley needs sun exposure for at least 5 hours a day, after which it can be moved to a shadier space.

In the pot, you need to add soil, moss and a gravel base. It will take some time for the seed stems to appear, so in the meantime, the soil in the pots should be watered.

Parsley leaves grow more slowly, but once you have them green in the house, you will want to always have them on hand. The parsley you grow will have a more intense and pleasant taste than the one in the supermarket and you will be able to pick it whenever you need it.

This way, the plant will not lose its properties and you will not have to bother to keep it fresh in the refrigerator.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile in the top of the best healing plants

We can’t talk about healing plants without mentioning these fragrant popcorn!

Chamomile helps you relax, sleep better, overcome anxiety and relieve heart problems. So, it is good to always have chamomile on hand to prepare an infusion when you need it.

How can you grow chamomile at home? In a very simple way! We recommend that you plant it during the summer, when it is warmer, in an area that is less exposed to the sun’s rays or that does not stay in the sun all day.

Chamomile prefers a sandy soil that does not retain water. The flowers are used for chamomile infusion, so you should wait until they bloom completely to pick them. But, be very careful when picking chamomile flowers, do not take out the root of the plant!

You can grow these healing plants with your children. Thus, they will also learn interesting things about plant growth, but also about their benefits.

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