5 Natural Remedies For Moisturizing Hair

In addition to moisturizing the hair ornament, honey acts like a conditioner and prevents wrinkles.
5 natural remedies for moisturizing hair

Want to discover some natural remedies for hair hydration? There are many external and internal factors that can damage this hair. Although we have various products that take care of and hydrate the hair adornment, direct sun exposure, toxins and dehydration can make it look lifeless and dry.

Yes, many people face such problems because of genetic inheritance. In general, however, these nuisances are based on harmful habits or excessive use of heat-generating devices and chemicals.

There are currently a large number of professional methods for rehydrating follicles and hair, so that the hair ornament is shiny and silky again. But we can also try some alternative solutions that, by combining 100% natural ingredients, offer excellent results.

Want to know more details?

In today’s article we propose 5 very interesting natural remedies for hair hydration. Feel free to include them in your beauty routine, especially if you notice symptoms of dehydration, such as wrinkled split ends.

1. Avocado, honey and egg yolk

Natural remedies for moisturizing hair with egg yolk

Rich in fatty acids, amino acids and enzymes, this natural treatment is an excellent option to repair dry and damaged hair. Its nutrients are easily absorbed through the follicles, moisturizing the strands from the roots.


  • 1 avocado copt
  • 3 tablespoons (75 g) of honey
  • 1 egg yolk

Method of preparation

  • Cut a baked avocado and remove the pulp.
  • Put it in a bowl and mix it with the spoon of honey and the egg yolk.
  • Make sure that the paste obtained has a creamy and fine texture.

Application method

  • Separate the hair into several strands and apply the treatment from roots to tips.
  • Cover your head with a shower and leave on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of water.
  • Use this treatment at least three times a week.

2. Milk, egg and almond oil

Both milk and eggs contain proteins that repair dry and brittle hair. The next remedy involves combining these ingredients with almond oil, a product with fatty acids that make strands silky.


  • ½ cup (125 ml) of milk
  • 1 or
  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) of almond oil

Method of preparation

  • Pour the milk into a bowl and mix it with the egg.
  • Add the two tablespoons of almond oil and mix the composition well.

Application method

  • Moisten your hair and apply the treatment evenly.
  • Let it work for 30-40 minutes, then rinse.
  • Use this treatment twice a week.

3. Avocado with natural yogurt, on the list of natural remedies for moisturizing hair

Avocado included in natural remedies for moisturizing hair

This popular treatment is also known as “white guacamole”. To prepare it, it is necessary to combine two ingredients rich in protein, calcium and fatty acids, whose beneficial nutrients revitalize lifeless hair.


  • 1 avocado copt
  • ¼ cup (100 g) of natural yogurt

Method of preparation

  • Remove the pulp of the avocado and grind it to obtain a paste.
  • In a bowl, mix with natural yogurt.

Application method

  • Apply the treatment on the hair.
  • Wait 40 minutes, then rinse.
  • Use this remedy 2-3 times a week.

4. Cocoa butter and coconut oil

Coconut oil included in natural remedies for moisturizing hair

This treatment contains powerful antioxidants that protect the hair against the negative effects of free radicals. The fats in cocoa butter and coconut oil replace the oils lost by the hair follicles, relieving dehydration.


  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) of cocoa butter
  • 1 tablespoon (15 g) coconut oil

Method of preparation

  • Heat the cocoa butter in a bain-marie.
  • As soon as it has melted, add the coconut oil and mix well.
  • Turn off the heat and let the composition stand at room temperature.

Application method

  • Before solidifying, take a small amount of the prepared remedy and spread it on the hair and scalp.
  • Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse.
  • Use this remedy three times a week.

5. Pumpkin and honey

Natural remedies for moisturizing hair prepared with honey

Due to the high content of essential nutrients, pumpkin can be used as a natural conditioner to moisturize hair. This food does not have an aggressive effect on damaged hair and fights weakening and hair loss.


  • 2 slices of pumpkin
  • 3 tablespoons (75 g) of honey

Method of preparation

  • Bake the pumpkin slices until soft.
  • Grind them with a fork and mix them with honey.

Application method

  • Moisten your hair and apply the treatment with gentle massage movements.
  • Cover your hair completely and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of water.
  • Use this treatment twice a week.

You have many natural remedies for moisturizing your hair, which will not empty your wallet. Opt for the one that attracts you the most and, in order to obtain optimal results, be consistent.

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