5 Natural Remedies For Torticollis (stiff Neck)

Torticollis is a cervical injury that causes stiffness, pain and difficulty moving the head. Do you know how to fight it naturally? Discover some relaxing treatments to get rid of a stiff neck!
5 natural remedies for torticollis (stiff neck)

Improper posture, sudden movements and overwork often trigger cervical injuries, such as torticollis. This condition is an involuntary contracture of the neck muscles, which often involves intense pain and stiffness. Therefore, we will show you a series of relaxing natural remedies for torticollis (stiff neck).

Fortunately, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs keep the symptoms of this condition under control. But there are also some natural alternatives that help alleviate the disease. In the rows below, we will show you 5 excellent options.

5 natural remedies for torticollis (stiff neck)

Regardless of its cause, torticollis causes an uncomfortable sensation of stiffness in the cervical area. Generally, the head turns to one side and the movement becomes difficult. Spasms, pain and inability to perform many daily tasks are also common.

As mentioned, conventional muscle relaxants, such as painkillers, are helpful in coping with this discomfort. However, you can also try some natural treatments. They contain ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties, which produce a sensation of pain relief. Try them too!

1. Infusion of oregano

Oregano included in natural remedies for torticollis
The components of this plant have anti-inflammatory properties that can be effective in relaxing stiff muscles.

Way of ussage

Way of ussage

3. Apple cider vinegar

Natural remedies for torticollis with apple cider vinegar
This traditional remedy has several uses, including reducing neck tension.

Way of ussage


Way of ussage

5. Arnica ointment

Arnica cream

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