5 Teas That Treat Cough Effectively

Mint dissolves phlegm, lemon is an effective antibiotic, and thyme has a strong antimicrobial effect. Find out what other plants can be used to treat coughs!
5 teas that treat cough effectively

Unfortunately, air pollution has many negative effects on health. One of these is the annoying cough, accompanied by dark phlegm. To combat these problems, we recommend that you consume teas that treat cough naturally and effectively.

Both cough and phlegm are reactions of the body to invasive elements. The fluids and spasms produced are a way to protect the body by keeping dust and other contaminants away.

Of course, coughing can also be caused by colds, temperature changes, a weakened immune system, viruses, etc. But for whatever reason, there is a solution. Here are 5 teas that treat cough effectively!

Teas that treat cough

1. Thyme tea

Teas that treat coughs like thyme

Singers and others who use their voice in their profession love thyme tea. This plant is beneficial for the vocal cords and lungs.

At the same time, thyme tea is a powerful anti-inflammatory. In addition to relieving pain, this remedy attacks the problem at the root, helping to heal. In fact, thyme acts as a natural antibacterial drug, so if the cough is caused by a microbe, it is the best treatment.

2. Lemon with honey and cinnamon

As I have mentioned on other occasions, lemon is a very effective natural antibiotic. However, being acidic, it is not recommended to apply it directly on the inflamed throat. To counteract the acidity, add another healthy ingredient: honey.

Bee honey relieves stings and kills bacteria. In addition, it acts as a protective barrier. At the same time, cinnamon dissolves mucus and strengthens the effects of the other two ingredients.

3. Mint tea

Mint tea on the list of teas that treat cough

If we talk about teas that treat cough, mint is among the best options, especially if you have difficulty breathing. Why? Because this plant dissolves phlegm.

Sometimes breathing is difficult due to too thick mucus. Being difficult to eliminate, it adheres to the airways. Peppermint tea reduces inflammation and fights infections. To enhance its effects, add a cinnamon stick.

4. Rooibos tea with lemon

Those who do not suffer from allergies believe that they only cause sneezing and rashes. In reality, the symptoms are various, one of them being the cough. If your cough is caused by an allergy, try drinking rooibos and lemon tea, a remedy with antihistamine properties.

In addition, rooibos is a plant rich in minerals that strengthen the immune system, which is why it also treats coughs caused by colds or flu.

5. Ginger tea with honey

All four cough-treating teas listed above taste good. But some people think that ginger is too hot, especially in the form of tea. Although it seems difficult to consume, we recommend that you give this remedy a try, because it offers many benefits.

Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties that speed up healing and relieve pain. In addition, it dissolves mucus and treats the problem inside.

All these cough teas are useful if the problem is temporary or chronic. If you are not allergic to the plants used, these remedies have no side effects. A good idea would be to put the tea in a thermos to consume it throughout the day.

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