6 Foods For Active And Healthy Brain

Did you know that dark chocolate (with as much cocoa as possible) helps you improve your heart and brain health? Consumed regularly, it helps you feel better.
6 foods for active and healthy brain

If you feel that your daily habits are bad and that you need a better way to get energy and food for your brain, then you no longer have to look for the saving solution. Here are some simple tips for eating certain foods for the brain.

The importance of nutrition for a healthy brain

It is important not to forget an essential thing about the brain. It is the organ that requires the most energy, about 20%. Therefore, we must not neglect it, but choose to eat foods that help perform its functions and improve circulation, avoiding the appearance of thrombi.

We need to give the brain the right food so that its functions are not adversely affected. A clear example of inadequate nutrition is giving up breakfast.

If we do not serve breakfast or if we do not eat properly in general, it is difficult for us to concentrate and we have headaches. You need to consider foods that keep your brain active, healthy and young. Want to know what they are? Remember:

Active brain food

1. Oats

Oats are one of those foods for the brain

Do you like oats? It is very good for the brain and you can consume it however you want, in its natural state or even as oat water. Contains many proteins and amino acids very good for the brain, unsaturated fats, vitamins B1 and B3, folic acid, vitamin E, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium…

It’s just wonderful. In addition to improving brain function, including memory, eating oats is also indicated for heart health.

2. Bananas – food for the brain

Bananas are among those foods for the brain

How many bananas do you have at home now? These should never be missing from your table. Bananas are rich in glucose, an essential element that provides the energy needed for an active brain.

They also contain vitamin B6, folic acid and essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and, of course, potassium.

Bananas are a healthy food that gives us energy. They contain soluble fiber that stimulates bowel movement and prevents constipation. Because they are rich in vitamin B6, they improve our memory and make us feel better. Be careful, however, bananas are not recommended if you suffer from diabetes.

3. Food for the brain – broccoli

Broccoli is one of those foods for the brain

Broccoli, one of the healthiest and most recommended vegetables, belongs to the wonderful family of crucifers, like Brussels sprouts or cauliflower. Crucifers are rich in protein, fiber and vitamins such as A, C, E, K and B.

Consumption of broccoli, a vegetable rich in vitamins B3 and B6, is recommended to support and improve memory. A suggestion: it is advisable to steam it or eat it raw because this is the best way to preserve its properties.

4. Foods for the brain – nuts

Walnuts are among those foods for the brain

Surely you already know this. Of all the oilseeds, doctors often recommend eating nuts for health, as they lower cholesterol levels and support brain function.

But what is their secret? Walnuts contain linoleic acid, Omega 3, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, magnesium, copper, selenium, flavonoids and, of course, vitamin E. Their consumption is indicated for the heart and brain, but not exceeding 3 or 4 nuts a day because they have a fairly high caloric index.

5. Food for the brain – fish with healthy fats

Fish is one of those foods for the brain

It is important to eat fish that contains healthy fats. The reason why fatty fish are always recommended is the high content of their polyunsaturated essential fats, such as Omega 3, so necessary for heart and brain health.

Ideally, we should eat fatty fish 3 or 4 times a week. Keep in mind that all family members should consume it.

6. Chocolate

Chocolate is one of those foods for the brain

Aren’t you happy that we also included chocolate on this list? Of course, it could not be ruled out. But, without a doubt, we should consume it in moderation and prudence, taking into account the fact that the healthiest chocolate is the one with the highest cocoa content.

It is said that the best approach is to consume 30 grams of dark chocolate a day. This is a wonderful antioxidant that contains potassium, calcium, magnesium and all the B vitamins.

If you eat it regularly and without exaggeration, chocolate will provide you with very healthy nutrients for the heart and brain. Just a piece of this tasty food will give you a feeling of well-being.

It is produced by endorphins, the elements secreted by the brain when we are happy or when we eat our favorite foods. There is no doubt, a piece of chocolate consumed every day is healthy!

To have an active, healthy and young brain, don’t forget to include these foods frequently in your diet. Also, don’t forget to drink enough water and have an active lifestyle.

Stay physically and mentally active, don’t forget to develop your creativity – read, stimulate your interest every day and enjoy life.

The desire to learn new things and the right diet can do a lot of good to the health of the brain. How about starting to take a little more care of yourself today?

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