6 Signs Of An Intestinal Problem

Abdominal pain, stomach pain and bloating are the main indications that you may be suffering from an intestinal condition. 
6 signs indicating an intestinal problem

There are certain signs that indicate an intestinal problem. First of all, it is good to know that the intestine is an organ located in the upper abdomen, between the stomach and rectum.  It is part of the digestive system and is divided into two sections.

The two parts of the intestine are the large intestine and the small intestine. Even if both are part of the same body, each of them performs different functions.

The role of the intestine is to process food, and this process begins and takes place largely in the small intestine. Nutrients are absorbed into epithelial cells, which then distribute them in the blood to be transported to other parts of the body.

The digestive process ends in the large intestine. It absorbs mineral salts and water to create feces, which is subsequently eliminated from the body.

Intestines: important but fragile

Signs that indicate an intestinal problem such as abdominal pain

Undoubtedly, the importance of the intestines is directly proportional to their fragility, which is true for most internal organs. This sensitivity is related to the substances that pass through the intestines.

Intestinal problems are more common than you think and are associated with digestive disorders. The easiest way to detect them is to identify the area where the pain is located.

Abdominal and stomach pain, as well as bloating are clear symptoms of an irregular bowel movement. But there are also other signs of an intestinal problem that are not as obvious. In the lines below, we present some of them.

Signs indicating an intestinal problem

Sugar craving

The intestinal flora can present certain imbalances, creating problems related to the consumption of sweets and other foods that contain sugar. At first, you feel the need to consume these products normally, but over time the craving for sweets becomes exaggerated.

As you already know, excessive sugar consumption can cause many problems, including obesity.

Psychological problems

Signs of an intestinal problem such as hyperglycaemia

Many people mistakenly believe that the distance between the brain and the intestines is too great for a connection between them. In reality, the connection between the two organs is very close. Thus, psychological problems such as depression, stress and anxiety can be signs that indicate an intestinal problem. 

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that gives you a state of well-being, peace and happiness. It is mostly produced in the intestines. Therefore, your mood can give you clues about the health of this organ.


One of the main functions of the intestines is food processing, including sugar. If the intestines are sick, this process can get out of hand.

One of the main discomforts you may face is hyperglycemia, which can lead to the development of diabetes. At the same time, intestinal diseases affect the metabolic processes and the cycle of transformation of glucose into energy.

Dermatological problems

Dermatological problems on the list of signs indicating an intestinal problem

There are many causes of dermatological problems, including ultraviolet rays, chemicals, heat, cold, hormonal disorders and more. At the same time, they can be based on intestinal diseases.

Acne or eczema on the skin tissues may be signs of an intestinal problem. Acne is caused by changes in the bacteria in the skin, which cause swelling and redness of the skin.

Digestive problems

Digestive irregularities are among the first signs of an intestinal problem. At the same time, they can be related to any disease of the digestive tract.

If the irregularity is in the intestines, the symptoms you may experience are gas, bloating and diarrhea. They occur as a result of changes in the bacteria that protect this organ.

Imbalances in the intestinal flora can be caused by the accumulation of harmful substances, which prevent the proper absorption of nutrients.


Halena on the list of signs indicating an intestinal problem

Imbalances in the intestinal flora affect digestion. Thus, gases appear that reach the stomach, causing gastritis and bad breath.

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