6 Tips For Perfect Hair And How To Apply Them

If you rinse your hair with cold water, in addition to the fact that you will improve your blood circulation in this area, your hair follicles will tighten and your hair will be more shiny and soft.
6 tips for perfect hair and how to apply them

However, we want to have perfect hair so that we can feel attractive. However, the price we have to pay can be quite high: all cosmetic treatments, hair masks, etc. it costs money. In this article we will present you six tips to have perfect hair, which will cost you almost nothing.

Tips for having perfect and healthy hair

1. Brush your hair twice a day!

It may seem obvious to you, but if you brush your hair twice a day, you will stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, which will stimulate hair growth and improve its nourishment. It’s like getting a free stimulation massage!

Remember: simply brush it two or three times a day to have perfect hair.

2. Rinse your hair with cold water!

Tips for perfect hair, rinse with cold water

Are you afraid to wash with cold water? Maybe so, but you should know that cold water is very invigorating, stimulates circulation and can be an excellent remedy for dry hair .

Instead, hot water can damage the scalp, leading to dry hair and loss of shine. If you rinse with a little cold water after washing your head and applying conditioner, your hair follicles will close, and your hair will be shinier, silkier and fuller of light.

And don’t forget: cold water also helps your hair grow faster!

3. Tips for perfect hair – apply conditioner first, and only then wash with shampoo!

Tips for perfect hair, apply conditioner for the first time

Have you heard of this trick before? It’s a great way to have perfectly protected hair. All you have to do is apply conditioner before washing with shampoo, and your hair will be more hydrated and shiny.

In addition, if you have already applied conditioner and shampooed, you can also apply a few drops of lemon juice or a tablespoon of coconut oil before rinsing. Massage your scalp, and then rinse with warm or cold water.

4. Tips to have perfect hair – apply a hair mask twice a week!

Tips for perfect hair, use a hair mask

What are the best masks you can try? Read on and you will see that they are easy to prepare and cost you almost nothing:

Egg and beer mask: All you have to do is combine the contents of an egg with half a glass of beer. Mix them well until you get a uniform cream. When it is ready, wet your hair, apply it and leave it on for 20 minutes.

After the time has expired, rinse with lukewarm water. This is an incredible treatment that will give your hair vitamins that will make it shiny, strong and hydrated. Apply this mask once a week and you will have perfect hair!

Avocado and Honey Mask:  When it comes to hair beauty, this mask is one of the best treatments available. It will make your hair softer, silkier, shinier and more hydrated. If you dye your hair, then this treatment is ideal for you, because it will treat and repair your hair.

You will need half a tablespoon of avocado and two tablespoons of honey. Mix these two ingredients well with a spoon, wet your hair, and then apply the mask obtained. Let it work for 20 minutes, and then rinse! Try this treatment every week for perfect hair, and the results will not be long in coming!

5. Tips for perfect hair – beware of chemicals and high temperatures!

Tips for perfect hair, do not use chemicals

It is already known that dyes can damage the hair. However, sometimes we may find that we have white hairs on our heads, and the only way we can find a solution to this problem is to dye ourselves.

In this case, be consistent and apply one of the two hair masks described above. They will repair your hair and replenish it with nourishing substances.

In addition, be careful not to abuse the hair dryers or hair straighteners. The heat is harmful to our hair, robbing it of oxygen and shine. Try not to use too many hair products, because the negative effects cannot be avoided.

6. Tips for perfect hair – eat right!

Tips for perfect hair, be careful when eating

However, we know that if we want to look good, we must eat well. To be healthy, our hair needs minerals, iron, zinc and magnesium, otherwise the hair follicles will weaken, and our hair will lose its shine, become dry, the hairs will split, etc.

The best foods for perfect hair will be rich in iron, sulfur, Omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid and potassium.

  • Sulfur: You can find it in broccoli, leeks, asparagus, pineapple and coconuts. These foods will help your body eliminate toxins, while increasing its production of collagen and keratin.
  • Iron: It is very important to eat green vegetables, but also lentils, turkey or chicken. They will help you metabolize vitamin B, which is essential for iron to reach your hair, to strengthen it and make it healthier.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Do you like oily nuts and fish? If so, then don’t hesitate to eat these foods. A diet low in fatty acids will make your hair colorless and brittle.
  • Potassium: You can find this element in pumpkins, mushrooms or squash, but also in watermelon and kiwi. Both salmon and yogurt contain potassium. If you have a diet low in potassium, your nails will become weaker and your hair will start to fall out.
  • Folic acid: Do not hesitate to eat chickpeas, lentils, cereals and fruits. Lack of folic acid can lead to anemia and, along with iron deficiency, hair loss. However, if you have a normal level of folic acid in your body, your hair will be stronger.

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