6 Tricks To Keep The Skin Of Your Neck Young

If you want to have a firm and wrinkle-free neck, you need to combine several techniques, such as massages, exfoliation and hydration. This is the only way to get the best results. 
6 tricks to maintain the youth of the neck skin

Many women forget about the neck and décolleté when it comes to skin care. But these areas deserve the same attention as the skin. If you want to prevent their premature aging, you must take preventive measures now. Read on to discover some tricks to keep your neck skin young!

Age can be seen very well on the neck, chest and hands, as these areas are greatly affected by genetic factors and the passage of time.

The skin on the neck requires special care, so read this article to find out how to keep it young and beautiful. The tricks below are very simple and can be put into practice every day.

1. Tricks to maintain the youth of the neck skin: a sufficient intake of vitamin E.

Tricks to maintain the youth of the neck skin with vitamin E

Vitamin E maintains the young and beautiful appearance of the neck. It is ideal for skin care because it fights the signs of aging, protects it against free radicals and gives it elasticity.

Stop thinking. Add more vitamin E-rich foods to your diet and use creams that contain this ingredient.

2. Ice

This treatment can be applied up to three times a week. Put three ice cubes in a cloth and massage your neck for 10 minutes.

The ice sets the blood in motion, fights inflammation and provides health and firmness to the skin. Your neck will stay young for many years to come.

3. Daily massages

Daily massages on the list of tricks to maintain the youth of the neck skin

Daily massages are among the best tricks to maintain the youth of the neck skin. Just as you train other parts of your body, you must do the same for the neck.

  • First, apply a moisturizer on your neck before bed.
  • As you apply it, massage the skin from the bottom up, from the collarbone to the mandible. 
  • Always massage from the bottom up to improve blood circulation.

4. Bee honey

Bee honey is among the most moisturizing foods.

  • Apply honey to the neck.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse the skin with cold water.

In this way, you can capitalize on the moisturizing and toning properties of honey, getting rid of the skin left characteristic of the aging process.

5. Exfoliation

Tricks to maintain the youth of the neck skin such as exfoliation

Do you exfoliate your skin, but what about your neck? Exfoliation helps remove dead cells, being one of the best tricks to maintain the youth of the neck skin.

Try the following natural exfoliant:


  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 red
  • 5 tablespoons oatmeal (50 g)

Method of preparation

  • Squeeze the lemon and strain the tomato to obtain a puree.
  • Add the oats to a bowl, along with the lemon juice and mashed tomatoes.
  • Mix all the ingredients until you get a paste.
  • Apply the prepared product on the neck and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of cold water.

6. Moisturizing mask

Masks should not be missing from an effective beauty routine, both for the skin and for the neck. The recipe below is an excellent choice because it tones the skin of the neck and gives it a pleasant appearance. All you have to do is prepare it and apply it once a week.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon honey (7.5 g)

Method of preparation

  • The preparation of this mask is very simple and only takes a few minutes.
  • Make a banana, egg white and honey puree.
  • Apply the product on the clean neck and leave it on for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of water. You will notice results after the first use.

As you can see, you have various tricks at your disposal to maintain the youth of your neck skin. They slow down the aging process of the skin and provide firmness. Do not hesitate to put them into practice!

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