7-day Diet To Combat Water Retention

It is good to follow this diet before the summer or whenever you feel that you have water retention in your body. It is also advisable to follow these eating habits to prevent its recurrence. 
7-day diet that combats water retention

For many people, the reason for exceeding a normal weight is fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling and discomfort in the affected areas. Fortunately, you can combat water retention with a proper diet.

In today’s article we present a seven-day diet that helps you eliminate water retention naturally, reducing inflammation in the body and helping you feel lighter and more energetic.

What is water retention?

Combats standing water retention with proper nutrition

Water retention can be a chronic problem or just a temporary dilation of the veins caused by excess heat.

If chronic, water retention may be associated with circulatory, cardiac, hepatic or renal problems. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the doctor for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

You can identify water retention after the unexplained weight gain it causes. This symptom is accompanied by swelling or inflammation of certain parts of the body, such as the waist, legs and ankles.

Although it is not always related to being overweight, obesity can also lead to water retention in the body.

7-day diet that combats water retention

This seven-day diet is specifically designed to combat water retention in a week. However, it is good to adopt certain habits that you will keep in order to prevent this problem in the future.

The diet is beneficial for anyone, as it has detoxifying properties that improve kidney and liver function.

It is better to follow the diet before the warm season or whenever you feel that you are experiencing water retention.

As usual, we recommend that you seek the advice of your doctor before starting any treatment, especially if you suffer from a certain disease or if you are taking medication.

General recommendations

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind this week to combat water retention:

  • You need to completely eliminate table salt or refined salt from your diet. You can replace it with moderate amounts of sea salt, Himalayan salt or sea water.
  • Also avoid foods that contain salt, such as biscuits, saltines, certain bakery products, salted hazelnuts, etc.
  • You can improve the taste of dishes with certain natural ingredients, such as spices (cayenne pepper, curry, paprika, etc.), vinegar, lemon juice and herbs (basil, oregano, thyme, etc.).
  • Avoid sugar and sweets, as they cause an even greater craving for sweets, which makes it more difficult to follow a diet.


Celery juice combats water retention

After you wake up, drink two cups of hot or hot water with the juice of half a lemon. It is important to end the “fast” during the night in this way to improve the functioning of internal organs.

After twenty minutes, make a smoothie.


  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 pear
  • 1 slice of fresh pineapple
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 powder of ground or fresh ginger
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil (15 g)
  • 1 cup oat milk (200 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Process all the ingredients in the blender and drink the mixture in small sips.

* If you are still hungry in the morning, you can serve a slice of whole wheat toast with avocado, along with a cup of green tea.

At lunch

For lunch, you can choose one of the following options:

The first way:

  • Gazpacho or home-made vegetable juice
  • Vegetable cream soup or a salad

Type two

  • Meat
  • Over
  • vegetables
  • Eggs

* All dishes can be accompanied by a portion of brown rice as a garnish.


  • Apple sauce
  • Fresh pineapple
  • Agar agar gelatin


Horsetail tea fights water retention

Between meals, it is recommended to drink horsetail tea, as it has diuretic properties and contains many minerals.

If you are hungry, you can have a snack: some yogurt with nuts, a fruit or something similar.

In the evening

At dinner, it is not advisable to overeat. In addition, try to serve this last meal of the day as early as possible. 

The first way

  • Gazpacho or home-made vegetable juice
  • Soup
  • Vegetable cream soup
  • Salad

Type two

  • Over
  • Avocado
  • Low sodium cheese

* You can eat these foods with bread or a little brown rice.


  • An Apple
  • A pear
  • A handful of nuts

If this diet suits you, you can keep certain eating habits even after the end of the seven days to prevent water retention. 

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