7 Foods To Avoid In Case Of Sleep Problems

In order not to have problems when it comes to falling asleep, it is advisable to avoid eating certain foods that cause insomnia.
7 foods to avoid in case of sleep problems

The difficulty of falling asleep at night is known as initial insomnia. It is one of the most common disorders in modern society. Some of the reasons why more and more people have this type of problem are excessive use of technology, constant exposure to stress and sedentary lifestyle. Are there foods to avoid in case of sleep problems?

What worries health experts the most is that insomnia is a condition that leads to other diseases when not treated in time. For this reason, it is essential to identify the cause and try to find a treatment or solution as soon as possible.

There are certain foods that, depending on their composition, make it difficult to rest when consumed a few hours before going to bed. Let’s find out!

Foods to avoid in case of sleep problems

1. Cheese

Cheese on the food list to avoid in case of sleep problems


Cheese is an appetizing food with which different types of food can be prepared. However, it is essential to remember that it is one of the foods that can cause insomnia when consumed at the wrong time.

The cheese contains an amino acid known as tyramine, as mentioned in a research conducted in 2012. Its stimulating action keeps the brain active and prevents sleep. In fact, the same substance has been linked to some cases of headaches.

Other dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, have been shown to be beneficial due to their significant calcium intake. This mineral reduces stress and stabilizes nerve fibers in the brain for a calm and relaxed mood.

2. Chocolate

For many people, chocolate is a delight that can provide a sense of happiness in difficult times. Research at the Complutense University of Madrid has shown that it contains antioxidants and essential nutrients that are good for health if consumed in moderate amounts.

However, chocolate is not suitable before sleeping because of tyrosine, the substance is converted to dopamine in the body. This is a powerful stimulant that will keep you from falling asleep. It is best to eat this food in the morning or in the afternoon.

3. Processed meat

Sausages are foods to avoid in case of sleep problems


Both sausages and smoked meat are high in fat and protein, which makes digestion difficult. Ingesting them at night often leads to indigestion and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. In addition, they also contain tyramine, the amino acid associated with insomnia and headaches.

If you want to eat meat for dinner, it is best to choose chicken breast or turkey meat. They are healthier and also easy to digest.

4. Caffeine foods

Caffeine is a stimulant. Keep your brain active and awake. Coffee and other energy drinks contain it in significant quantities. Do not overdo it with consumption , as they can become an obstacle to sleep. It is best not to ingest them at night and try to find alternatives.

Caffeine is also present in some medicines, teas and soft drinks!

5. Tomato products

Canned tomatoes


Tomato-based foods increase the acidic pH of the body and cause burns and digestive discomfort at night. Consumption should be avoided at least 3 hours before bedtime.

6. Grapefruit

Consumption of citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, can cause heartburn and acid reflux. These discomforts interrupt your sleep and can prevent you from getting the hours you need. It is best to eat this food in the morning or a few hours after lunch.

7. Spicy foods to avoid in case of sleep problems

Spices on the list of foods to avoid in case of sleep problems


Spicy sauces and spices, such as mustard or pepper, disrupt the sleep cycle after being ingested a few hours before bedtime. It causes a change in body temperature that misleads brain functions.

Have you eaten any of these foods to avoid in case of sleep problems? This can be the reason for insomnia every night. It is recommended to eat them at another time and opt for lighter foods for dinner.

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