7 Medicinal Infusions To Treat Diabetes

7 medicinal infusions to treat diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that must be kept under control to prevent serious health consequences. In addition to drug treatment, there are certain plants that fight the disease naturally and have no side effects. Read on and you will discover 7 medicinal infusions to treat diabetes.

Herbs used to prepare infusions for diabetes include stevia, cinnamon and avocado leaves. You can alternate or combine them to take advantage of all their beneficial properties.

Risks of hyperglycemia

Hyperglycemia not only causes diabetes, but is also associated with other conditions, such as obesity and insulin resistance, a serious and widespread problem.

All diseases caused by hyperglycemia are harmful to health and predispose you to cardiovascular disease. In addition to consuming the infusions below, it is important to keep a diet as well.

  • Avoid sugar, refined flour and fruits that cause high blood sugar.
  • It is good to seek the guidance of a nutritionist to adopt the most beneficial diet.

Medicinal infusions for the treatment of diabetes

1. Stevia

Medicinal infusions for the treatment of diabetes with stevia

Stevia is a medicinal plant native to Paraguay, known for its ability to fight diabetes. Because it is very sweet, stevia can replace sugar in all kinds of sweets, cakes and drinks. Consumed regularly, this plant offers the following benefits:

  • Improves the health of teeth and gums.
  • Alkalizes the body.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Fights water retention.
  • It lowers blood pressure.
  • Decreases the effects of free radicals that cause aging.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

2. Cinnamon

Among the best medicinal infusions for the treatment of diabetes is cinnamon. This spice is very good for health. The healthiest variety is the Ceylon cinnamon, which has the strongest medicinal effects. You can use it to season all kinds of dishes, either sweet (cookies, cakes, smoothies) or salty (stews, grilled dishes).

Cinnamon has, in turn, many benefits:

  • Improves digestion and fights flatulence.
  • It is a natural antibiotic.
  • Fights bad breath.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Fights respiratory ailments.
  • It’s an aphrodisiac.

3. Wormwood

Wormwood tea on the list of medicinal infusions for the treatment of diabetes

Wormwood is a very bitter medicinal plant. It has detoxifying effects and improves liver function. In fact, in ancient times, wormwood was used as a remedy for lead poisoning.

Wormwood tea is one of the best medicinal infusions for treating diabetes  because it immediately lowers blood sugar. You can also use this remedy when you consider that you have consumed excess sugar.

We recommend that you drink wormwood infusion in small amounts and for short periods of time.

4. Avocado leaves

Avocado is a superfood, but its leaves are also beneficial, having many medicinal properties. These are an excellent remedy for diabetes, but also for other symptoms and conditions:

  • Hypertension
  • Cough
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Stomach burns
  • Intestinal parasites
  • Kidney stones

5. Artichokes

Artichoke used in medicinal infusions to treat diabetes

Both artichoke and its leaves are excellent remedies for regulating blood sugar because they contain inulin, a type of fiber that helps turn glucose into energy. You can drink an infusion of artichoke leaves or water in which you boiled the vegetable.

6. Green tea

Green tea is a drink with so many medicinal properties that it should be consumed daily by anyone.

  • Due to the content of polyphenols, green tea helps to metabolize glucose and the proper functioning of the pancreas. 
  • But to enjoy its beneficial effects, you must serve this drink separately, at least one hour after a meal.

7. Oat water

Medicinal infusions for the treatment of diabetes with oats

The last on the list of medicinal infusions for the treatment of diabetes is oat water. This healing recipe lowers blood sugar and cholesterol and helps you lose weight in a safe and healthy way.

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