7 Types Of Meditation And Their Benefits

Many people do not know, but there are several types of meditation and each of them offers different benefits. Find out which one is right for you!
7 types of meditation and their benefits

Stress, anxiety and difficulty controlling one’s emotions are the basis of many people’s decision to practice meditation. But did you know that there are many types of meditation? It is necessary to know them all to find out which one suits you best.

Today we offer you some useful information about the types of meditation currently available and the benefits that each of them offers.

Types of meditation

1. Meditation of primordial sounds

There are several types of meditation

The meditation of primordial sounds is based on mantras. A mantra  is a sound, a word or a sentence that you repeat and that makes your mind vibrate.

For example, a well-known mantra is the classic “ommmm”. It helps you get rid of the thoughts that are taking you out of the present.

Even if it seems to you that the mantra contains sounds chosen at random, the truth is that they are all sacred sounds,  with a deep meaning that has been attached to them since antiquity.

Meditation of primordial sounds distances you from the mental noise that disturbs your inner peace. 

2. Vipassana meditation

Of the many types of meditation, try Vipassana meditation focuses on nasal breathing

This practice is also called the meditation of inner knowledge. Vipassana meditation is based on nasal breathing and the identification of one’s own thoughts and emotions. You examine them without judging them in any way.

The Vispassana meditation technique helps you see things as they are without judging them. This opens your eyes and allows you to understand everything that is happening around you. 

3. Zazen Meditation

Zazen meditation, also called Zen, focuses on breathing. But there is an essential difference between the Zen technique and Vipassana. Zen is not based on nasal breathing, but on the movement of the abdomen. For this type of meditation you need to stand up straight, keep your chin down and your hands on your abdomen.

Zazen meditation teaches you to observe the thoughts that go through your mind. You “see” them passing through your mind one after the other, after which you can get rid of them. 

4. Metta meditation

Of the many types of meditation, try Metta meditation which is based on love and compassion.

Metta meditation, also called loving goodness, is based on Tibetan Buddhism and is a type of meditation that is based on love and compassion. Thanks to this practice, you learn to have a greater empathy for those around you. 

At the same time, you face life with a high dose of positivity and you learn to accept yourself and the rest of the people.

People with low self-esteem, perfectionists or self-critics can enjoy many benefits through Metta meditation. 

5. Kundalini meditation

The main goal of Kundalini meditation is to awaken the mind through mantras and chants that access your subconscious. This type of meditation focuses on the spine. Kundalini energy is located in the lumbar area.

When you recite mantras or chants, you release an energy in the spine. Then you wake up. If you go a little further, you can even reach the lighting. 

6. Chakra meditation

Of the many types of meditation, try the Chakra meditation that considers certain energy points in the body.

According to Hinduism, people have 6 chakras. Chakras are centers of energy distributed throughout the body. 

Chakra meditation focuses on sounds, hand position, visualization and each chakra that creates connections with your physical body.

7. Tonglen meditation

Tonglen meditation helps you create a connection with everything that makes you suffer, accept the pain and get rid of it. 

People tend to run away from anything negative or that causes them suffering. This attitude only makes the situation worse. Therefore, this type of meditation forces you to fight against the hardships of life.

The Tonglen meditation technique helps you get rid of negativity and be merciful and empathetic. That is why breathing is especially important. 

Have you ever tried these types of meditations or variations of them? Even if they are all positive, some focus more on certain elements than others. You can choose any type of meditation that you feel suits you best and fits your personal needs and desires.

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