8 Natural Remedies For Hot Flashes At Menopause

To control hot flashes, use the following natural remedies before bed. Also, buy pajamas and cotton or linen.
8 natural remedies for hot flashes at menopause

One of the most common and annoying symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, which increase in intensity in the evening. Although most of the discomforts associated with this stage of life are caused by hormonal changes, most women are affected by hot flashes. Are you one of them? Then do not hesitate to use natural remedies for hot flashes. 

In fact, it is estimated that about 85% of women experience this discomfort in the first or second year after entering menopause. Although hot flashes are not a serious health problem, they are very unpleasant and can affect sleep, causing frustration.

Fortunately, over the years many natural treatments have been discovered to control this symptom of menopause, so that this process is easier to bear. In today’s article we will present you eight natural remedies for hot flashes.

8 natural remedies for hot flashes

1. Flaxseed oil

Natural remedies for hot flashes such as flaxseed oil

The fatty acids in flaxseed are very beneficial for menopausal women. They prevent the development of heart disease, reduce inflammation and control menopausal symptoms.

The vegetable lignins contained in flaxseed oil act like estrogen, counteracting the decrease in the level of this hormone produced by menopause.


  • Add flaxseed oil to salads, smoothies and any other dishes.
  • Consume a tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily before breakfast.

2. Night light oil

Night light oil is known as a beneficial tonic for the health of female reproductive organs. Regarding menopause and hot flashes, this product has the ability to stimulate estrogen production and revitalize the skin.

Thanks to its significant gamma-linoleic acid content, night light oil will help you fall asleep immediately and not wake up during the night.


  • Pour a few drops of nightlight oil into a glass of water and drink the mixture before bed.
  • Wipe your skin with a small amount of oil, focusing on the regions that sweat frequently.

3. Cloves

Cloves on the list of natural remedies for hot flashes

Cloves have a rich content of flavonoids, a type of phytoestrogen useful to reduce the frequency of hot flashes.


  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) of cloves
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water


  • Bring the water to a boil and add the cloves.
  • Let the mixture boil for a few minutes. Drink this infusion twice a day.

4. Water with honey

A simple drink made with water and honey is one of the best natural remedies for hot flashes.


  • 1 tablespoon (25 g) of honey
  • 1 glass (200 ml) of water


  • Pour a tablespoon of honey into a glass of warm water.
  • Drink this mixture every night before bed.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Natural remedies for hot flashes such as apple cider vinegar

Organic apple cider vinegar contains 30 essential nutrients that revitalize and remineralize the body. The properties of this product regulate metabolism and control hormones to reduce hot flashes and other discomforts associated with menopause.


  • 2 tablespoons (20 ml) pure apple cider vinegar
  • 1 glass (200 ml) of warm water


  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar in the glass of water and drink this mixture half an hour before bedtime.
  • Avoid using refined apple cider vinegar, as this assortment does not have the same properties as organic.

6. Salvia

Sage leaves can be purchased from any plafar or supermarket. This plant fights hot flashes, relaxes the body and improves sleep. Moreover, sage has been shown to improve digestion and relieve pain. 


  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) sage
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water


  • Put the spoonful of sage in a cup of hot water, then cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and drink it.
  • Serve this infusion twice a day.

7. Roman chamomile massage

Chamomile oil on the list of natural remedies for hot flashes

To control hot flashes using a local treatment, give yourself a massage with a little Roman chamomile oil.


  • 10 drops of Roman chamomile oil


  • Massage the oil on the sweat prone regions.
  • Apply this treatment every night and, if necessary, you can use it during the day.

8. Red clover

The infusion of red clover is an ancient remedy for lowering cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation. In addition, this drink is among the best natural remedies for hot flashes.


  • 2 teaspoons (10 g) of dried red clover
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water


  • Bring the red clover to a boil in a cup of hot water.
  • Bring to the boil for 30 minutes, then strain the infusion obtained and drink it.
  • You can consume up to three cups of red clover infusion a day.

To get the best results and prevent hot flashes, it is essential to improve your diet and increase your daily intake of calcium, potassium and vitamin D and E. Also, opt for pajamas and cotton or canvas nightgowns.

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