8 Simple Exercises Against The Double Chin

Although the appearance of the double chin can be caused by issues related to genetics or age, there are some exercises that can help us reduce it.
8 simple exercises against the double chin

Double chin is an aesthetic problem that is usually caused by an accumulation of fat in the throat. But there are several simple exercises against the double chin that can help you reduce it.

The causes of the double chin

Double chin in women

The causes of double chin can be various. On the one hand, the double chin appears due to an excess of fat in the neck area. It is related to being overweight or obese.

On the other hand, double chin can also appear as a result of fat located in that area, even if we are not talking about being overweight or obese. It can be caused by genes inherited from the family, which makes the body prone to accumulating a greater amount of fat in the throat than usual.

Also, the double chin appears due to the fact that the skin loses its tone and the adipose tissue is left and accumulates on the neck.

Damage to the skin in the neck area can make it softer, which causes the appearance of a double chin. When we encounter this problem, it is not enough to try to remove the fat from the neck, as we would do in other cases, but we must also try to recover the elasticity of the skin in the neck area.

Simple exercises against the double chin

To reduce this accumulation of unsightly fat, here are some simple exercises you can do every day:

1. The kissing exercise

The first item on our list of simple exercises against the double chin is based on slightly tilting the head back and lifting the chin. To get to the right position, you need to look at the ceiling.

  • Next, pursed your lips like a kiss. Try to stretch your neck until you feel a tightening in your neck and chin muscles.
  • Hold this position for about 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise daily.

2. Removing the tongue

This exercise is very simple. Just stick your tongue out as much as you can.

  • Try to hold this position for 15 seconds.
  • It is enough to repeat 10 times a day for the exercise to be effective against the double chin.

3. Rotating the neck

Simple exercises against the double chin such as neck movement

For this exercise, you need to lift your chin and move your neck from left to right and back.

  • Try to move your neck in a semicircle shape.
  • You can also do the exercise in the up-down direction.

4. Vowel exercise

This is one of the simplest exercises against the double chin.

  • Stand with your back straight.
  • Open your mouth as long as you can and start playing the vowels in an articulated way, with a pause between them.
  • Repeat this exercise whenever you can throughout the day.

5. Lifting the chin

And this exercise is done standing, with your back straight, as in the previous exercise.

  • Gradually raise your head until you look at the ceiling and hold the position for 10 seconds. You will feel the exertion and the tension of the muscles under the jaw.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times a day for visible results.

6. The movements of the tongue

This exercise is very simple and discreet. You can do it at any time of the day, without worrying that someone sees you.

  • Move your tongue in circles, trying to reach the roof of your mouth and the lower wall.
  • Due to the fact that it is an easy and discreet exercise, you can do it whenever you want.

7. Tapping the lips

This exercise is similar to the first exercise, that of kissing.

  • Squeeze your lips into an inverted smile position, imitating an angry and sullen person.
  • With this exercise you will be able to train your muscles in the neck area. You will notice their tension, especially in the lateral areas.

8. Chewing gum

The last item on the list of simple exercises against the double chin is chewing a gum. You can do this at almost any time of the day. We recommend, however, chewing gum without sugar.

  • This way, you will move your jaw and train your neck muscles. You will eventually reduce your double chin.

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