9 Things To Avoid In The Bedroom

Do you like to organize your bedroom down to the last detail or do you just sleep in it, no matter what it looks like? In any category you fall into, take into account our recommendations to increase the usefulness of this essential space in your home. 
9 things to avoid in the bedroom

Did you know that certain items should be missing from the bedroom? Yes, there are some “bans” that you probably haven’t taken into account so far. Read on to find out a list of things to avoid in the bedroom.

Harmony in the bedroom and even in the whole house is created with the help of details. Many of them go unnoticed, even if you are probably facing their negative effects.

In order to feel comfortable in the bedroom and rest well in it, you must respect certain principles. Many of them are related to the impact that things have on your mental energy and perception.

Things to avoid in the bedroom

Things to avoid in the bedroom to keep the room in harmony

1. Flowers

Many people keep flowers all over the house, but the bedroom is not the best place. The reason is not the ridiculous myth that plants steal your oxygen. It’s all about energy.

According to Feng Shui experts, flowers stimulate infidelity and betrayal. These are love affairs and can lead to this type of marriage problem.

In addition, the flowers may wither, as the bedroom is not well lit. At the same time, dust can be deposited on plants, which is dangerous for people with allergies. 

If you decide to keep flowers in the bedroom, there are certain advantages. Plants help regulate temperature and reduce noise and have calming effects.

2. Bright colors

Orange, red and yellow are colors that represent the energy of fire, ie the opposite of the idea of ​​rest that characterizes the bedroom space. Even if they express passion, the three bright colors encourage jealousy and suspicion.

For the bedroom, we recommend you to opt for shades of brown.

3. Wireless TV or router

Watching TV is a fun activity for many people. But this object should not be kept in the bedroom. TVs and Wi-Fi devices, such as wireless routers, emit radiation that affects your sleep. If you can’t get these objects out of the bedroom, put a piece of quartz near them to absorb these waves.

Things to avoid in the bedroom according to Feng Shui principles

4. A messy closet

Even if you close the doors so you don’t see the disaster, a messy closet is one of those things to avoid in the bedroom. All objects that take up space prevent new energies from entering that place.

In addition, you can maintain the decision to give up what you no longer need and other things.

5. Mirrors

Mirrors are things to avoid in the bedroom

This is one of the main warnings of Feng Shui regarding the space in which we rest. Mirrors reflect energy, and this energy passes from the mirror to your body and vice versa during the night.

A good solution would be to move the mirror to another room. Another, less radical option is to turn your back on it or change its place so that it does not reflect your image when you sleep.

6. Clutter on the desk

It is the same problem as in the case of the closet, only this time the mess is visible at any time. If you have a desk in the bedroom, try not to throw all things at it at random.

The clutter on the desk visually pollutes the space and gives you the feeling of disorganization and unfinished business. Your mind will transfer these ideas into your daily life, even if you don’t even remember what was in your bedroom.

7. Ceiling fan

Feng shui experts claim that the constantly moving ceiling fans cause the chi energies to be redistributed permanently. Thus, the rest during the night is affected.

The best options are air conditioners and classic fans that you can move from one place to another.

8. Objects hidden under the bed

Many people keep boxes or other items under the bed, but these are included in the list of things to avoid in the bedroom. Objects under the bed absorb energy and prevent it from circulating, making it impossible for new opportunities to appear in your life. In addition, you get even more negative effects if you share the bedroom with your partner.

In addition to the fact that you do not have to keep anything under the bed, this piece of furniture must be at least 5 cm above the ground. This strengthens the feeling of power and supremacy of the person sleeping in bed.

Things to avoid in the bedroom such as boxes and other items under the bed

9. Objects related to work or physical training

It is not bad to have a fitness bike or a treadmill in the house. But you don’t have to keep them in the bedroom under any circumstances. These objects distract your attention, disturb your thoughts and direct your energy in other directions, which are not related to rest and relaxation.

Here is the list of things to avoid in the bedroom. If you take into account our recommendations, you will optimize your personal space and you will rest better. The results will be visible every day in your performance, mood and relationships with others. If you still have these things in your room, get rid of them as soon as possible!

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