Household Coal Uses

You may have thought that they are only good for lighting fires or grills, but charcoal has other uses, which are totally surprising, such as teeth whitening and eliminating unpleasant odors. 
Uses of coal in the household

Coal is not only useful for lighting fires, grills or even heating the house. It has many more uses than you could have imagined. housework

Coal uses in the home

Coal is a wonderful rock that should not be missing from any home, as it can be used to purify the air, as a help in the garden or as a drawing tool with your children.

Here are some of the most interesting uses of coal:

1. Remove mold

If you have a problem with dampness inside the house, you can use charcoal to get rid of it. When moisture appears on the walls, ceiling or floor, it is not enough to ventilate the room or clean it well. You need to remove the mold once and for all.

The bathroom, laundry and cellar are the rooms most prone to moisture and odors. Fortunately, coal completely eliminates these problems.

Coal removes mold from the home

For starters, cleaning with chlorine, baking soda or vinegar is necessary. The next step is very simple: put a pot with some charcoal in the affected areas, such as under the bed, in a closet or in the bathroom.

Coal absorbs moisture, gradually shrinking as a result of this process. When the put pieces have completely disappeared, replace them with others.

2. Uses of coal in the yard and in the garden

If you have a piece of land in the yard where you work a lot, but you do not get the desired results, coal could be the solution to the problem.

If the fertilizer used smells of ammonia, add some charcoal to it to increase its efficiency. 

In addition, if you break the charcoal into small pieces that you sprinkle on the grass or at the roots of flowers and trees, the plants will feed better and you will be able to get rid of weeds.

Coal can be added to the garden fertilizer

If you have flowers in vases or pots in the house, charcoal helps them last longer. Put a piece on the bottom of the vase or pot, add water or soil, then put the plants. It is a trick especially recommended for orchids (they are very sensitive and delicate), as the alkalinity of the coal is very beneficial.

3. Uses of coal for water purification

Coal absorbs impurities from water (industrial waste, chemicals, pesticides, etc.). That is why it is a recommended material for homes where water quality is questionable.

You can also use coal when camping, to filter water from springs or rivers. However, it is important to know that this rock does not eliminate bacteria, viruses and minerals.

Coal purifies water

4. Care of furniture and tools

If you have dark furniture or floors, stains that are difficult to remove are probably very annoying. Fortunately, you do not need to find a specialist urgently to solve the problem. Rub the affected surface with charcoal and cover the “defect” until you can take care of it. 

As for tools, coal prevents the deposition of rust or other problems that occur when they are not used for a long time. You can rub these objects with charcoal after using them or you can put a charcoal in the tool box.

5. Eliminates unpleasant odors

Have you noticed that the refrigerator, the trash can or the laundry basket smell bad? Coal can also be useful in this situation. As with moisture, this material absorbs strong odors.

Put a charcoal in a bowl or plastic bag and leave the container in areas of the home that emit odors. Soon, these will be just an unpleasant memory.

6. Uses of charcoal for teeth whitening

Coal whitens teeth

If you want to have white teeth as in toothpaste commercials, you can use charcoal again, one of the best natural remedies for teeth whitening.

Even if it seems strange, the recipe below helps you get a shiny tooth.

  • Crush a charcoal, put it in a bowl and dampen your toothbrush.
  • Put the toothbrush in the charcoal and then brush your teeth as usual. 
  • Brush and stained areas.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water and repeat the procedure every day or several times a week.

If you find it strange to use regular charcoal, buy activated charcoal from the pharmacy. Grind the tablets and apply the powder on the toothbrush.

7. Drawing tool

When children have to sit in the house and get bored, have them draw with charcoal on a piece of cardboard or a piece of paper. You will reveal their artistic side and they will have great fun. However, be careful not to leave a “mark” on the walls or furniture, as this will be difficult to clean.

If the summer holidays have come and you don’t want your little ones to spend it alone in front of the computer, you can all go out and draw with charcoal on the asphalt, as you did with chalk as a child when you were playing somersault.

Other amazing uses of coal are:

  • Antidote for poisonous substances.
  • Remedy for bloating and flatulence.
  • Detoxifying agent for the digestive tract.
  • Ointment for insect bites.

Try these amazing uses of coal too!

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