Watermelon Seeds – 3 Benefits

Fruit seeds can regulate digestion and strengthen the kidneys. So, instead of throwing the watermelon seeds in the trash, put them aside and use them later to make a tea.
Watermelon seeds - 3 benefits

We all know that watermelon (also known as watermelon) is a healthy, nutritious and invigorating food, being practically the official fruit of summer. But most of us are used to removing watermelon seeds when serving this fruit.

In fact, more and more stores are trying to help their consumers by selling “seedless” watermelons. But did you know that watermelon seeds offer incredible health benefits?

If you use an adequate amount of seeds to make a tea, you will be able to detoxify and strengthen your kidneys. In today’s article we will present everything you need to know about this topic.

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

Who doesn’t like watermelon? Thanks to the fact that it is moisturizing, rich in minerals and antioxidants and effective against water retention, this fruit is ideal for hot summer days.

Unfortunately, many people have a habit of throwing watermelon seeds in the trash, either because they consider them useless or because they find them annoying. However, this trend is very unfortunate because the seeds of the fruit offer many health benefits.

1. Small seeds are strong laxative

Watermelon seeds help digestion

Most fruit seeds have slightly laxative properties, and can improve digestion. However, watermelon seeds are much larger than other fruit seeds, which is why few people dare to eat them.

Their size is one of the main advantages of these seeds, and connoisseurs know how to take advantage of this advantage. Watermelon seeds are a very effective laxative and can be used to make a useful tea against constipation.

2. Detoxifies the body and improves kidney health

Watermelon seeds help the kidneys

Watermelon seeds have been consumed in the form of tea for centuries thanks to their ability to detoxify the kidneys and treat kidney stones.

This ingredient has a very strong detoxifying effect, supporting the elimination of waste and accumulated toxins and improving the functioning of the kidneys, so that stones do not form at their level.

In addition to being beneficial for kidney health, watermelon seeds have the ability to regulate blood pressure.

3. They are energizing

Watermelon seeds are energizing

It is a shame to throw this component of watermelon in the trash because this way you will miss a lot of benefits. For example, did you know that watermelon seeds are, among other things, very nutritious?

They are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that is also found in tomatoes. Moreover, melon seeds also contain a very high level of magnesium and zinc.

Remember the following:

  • Watermelon seeds have a low caloric content, but are full of energy. For this reason, it is advisable to consume them if you are recovering or suffering from fatigue. You can also try them on days when you feel too tired to get out of bed.

How can you use watermelon seeds to make a detoxifying tea?

Watermelon seeds can be used to produce a detoxifying tea

The next medicinal drink is very easy to prepare and we advise you to drink it without hesitation if you suffer from kidney problems or recurrent urinary tract infections. Remember the following steps:


  • 40 g watermelon seeds (preferably from an organic watermelon)
  • 1 l of water
  • 150 g watermelon, cut into pieces

Method of preparation

  • The first step is to boil the water. Use a mortar to turn the seeds into a slightly fine powder so that it can be cooked more easily.
  • Put the crushed watermelon seeds in boiling water and let them boil for half an hour. Then take the mixture off the heat and let it sit for 30 minutes, until it cools down. Strain it and set it aside.
  • At the end, process the watermelon slices and the previously obtained tea in a food processor. Put the resulting drink in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass container (otherwise there is a risk that the taste of the drink will be altered).

How should watermelon seed tea be consumed?

  • This tea should be served at room temperature. Drink a cup in the morning, on an empty stomach, then a cup 30 minutes after each meal. Set aside two days each week to follow this treatment and discontinue it only after you get the results you want.
  • It is essential not to sweeten watermelon seed tea with sugar. If you really need a sweetener, you can use a tablespoon (25 g) of honey. We must warn you that, although many grocery stores only sell watermelons when they are in season, the seeds of this fruit can be purchased at any time from plafare.
  • See if the watermelon seed tea treatment suits you. Be careful not to exceed the recommended amount of seeds: 40 g. The tea presented above is the best way to take advantage of the beneficial properties of the seeds. When eaten raw, watermelon seeds can be very difficult to digest.

How about trying watermelon seed tea today?

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