Common Types Of Depression And Information About Them

It is very important not to isolate yourself from the outside world. Seek the help of the people around you, and if possible, get moving. Sport helps you release endorphins that improve your mental state. 
Common types of depression and information about them

There are several common types of depression, a disorder that affects many people. It can be caused by certain genetic factors or unfortunate events in your life. In reality, the predisposition to depression is present in each of us.

Depression is very difficult to treat, and most individuals continue to struggle with it daily. It’s hard? Sure, but that doesn’t mean there’s no hope. When you fall into the deepest depression, you should try to get rid of it.

Common types of depression

Many people know of only one type of depression, one that manifests itself in a similar way to sadness and that prevents you from leading a normal life. You can’t get out of bed, you don’t have the energy to do anything, the things that used to excite you now are indifferent to you.

Common types of depression and information about them

In fact, there are several types of depression. Knowing which are the most common helps you react as effectively as possible if you or a loved one is affected.

In today’s article we present the four most common types of depression.

1. Common types of depression: depression manifested after a loss

This is the most common form of depression. When you lose someone, after the death of a loved one or separation from a partner, you sink into a state of sadness and bitterness that turns into a chasm of despair.

This type of depression generally affects people who are extremely introverted, insecure or sensitive. It is very difficult to overcome and in most cases the person in question needs the help of a specialist.

2. Common types of depression: bipolar depression

You have probably already heard of bipolar disorder, characterized by periods of extreme happiness, followed by deep sadness. This can cause a type of depression also called “bipolar”.

A person suffering from this type of depression may go through periods in which he no longer wants to live or through as many periods in which he feels in the ninth heaven.

Bipolar disorder itself can lead to depression. The affected person does not know when they will be sad or happy – everything is relative. Constant oscillation between these two opposing states can lead to severe depression.

Common types of depression and bipolar depression

3. Common types of depression: depression caused by fatigue

Remember when you were a teenager and you felt completely exhausted? You were not able to learn, play sports or be among the best in the class… this type of depression affects very competitive individuals who are under constant pressure.

The same thing can happen at work. Permanent pressure can lead to physical and mental exhaustion that throws you into severe depression.

It is very important to take a break from that infernal race, no matter how it manifests. The effort to be the best is not always the healthiest choice. 

4. Common types of depression: depression caused by aging

Sometimes depression can come naturally when you reach a certain age. You suddenly realize how much time has passed, as if in an instant.

This depression sets in around the age of 50, a turning point for many people. You start thinking about all the opportunities you missed and you feel guilty for not taking advantage of the time you had available or you regret the bad things you did in the past.

When you start to feel old, depression sets in.

To avoid this type of depression, you need to learn to accept your mistakes. Enjoy every moment of your life and do not postpone what you want to do today.

Depression is a vicious circle

It is very easy to fall into depression; the hardest part is getting up. When you are depressed, you tend to isolate yourself from the rest of the world and only negative thoughts come to your mind, which become darker and darker.

Common types of depression and their vicious circle

Whether you suffer from bipolar depression or any other type, it is advisable to seek the help of a specialist as soon as you notice that it has set in. Be honest with yourself and accept that you cannot overcome this state on your own.

If you do not ask for help, if you isolate yourself from the world, you will be trapped in the vicious circle of depression. Once you’re locked in that place, you can’t go out. So start talking, open your soul to those close to you.

If you can’t do that, go straight to a specialist – look for any way to get rid of the burden on you. 

With a lot of patience, you will end up leaving your depression behind. It is hard, and the people who love you will suffer in their turn, because your condition affects them too. But there is hope, even if now you see nothing but darkness in front of you.

Whatever depression you have, you can overcome it.

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