Tooth Mineralization – Some Tips

To improve our oral health, we must be careful what we eat. At the same time, we need to start using commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes less often and replace them with natural recipes.
Mineralization of teeth - some tips

You may not even know it, but toothpastes and mouthwashes sold in stores contain certain chemicals that can damage our tooth enamel, which means that these products are not 100% healthy. Therefore, it is better to use natural treatments for mineralizing teeth.

Commercial toothpastes promise us teeth whitening and plaque removal, and these promises are generally fulfilled, but the price is right.

But don’t worry: in this article we will show you how you can prepare your own mouthwash for mineralizing your teeth, which will whiten your teeth and protect your enamel. Read on and you won’t regret it.

What is tooth mineralization?

To explain this process as best we can, we must cite the research of Weston A. Price. He traveled all over the world in the 1930s in order to discover populations with good, undamaged teeth.

Not only was he successful in this endeavor, but Price also discovered a common element in all populations with healthy teeth. The secret lies in the fat-soluble vitamins, which were present in diets followed by 14 cultures spread around the globe. These populations consumed fish, shellfish, raw milk and cheese.

Later, Price discovered that the above-mentioned foods have a high concentration of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E and, in particular, K2. These vitamins play an important role in the storage of minerals in the teeth (ie the mineralization of the teeth).

Mineralization of teeth with a natural mouthwash

Vitamin K2, in particular, plays an important role in “directing” minerals within the body (ie to bones or teeth, but not to arteries).

Nowadays, opinions are divided. However, most dentists believe that natural mineralization of teeth would no longer be possible, largely due to modern toothpastes. Nowadays, fats are commonly found in butter, sausages, bacon, fish, seafood, etc.

If you want to maintain a healthy weight, you must also eat healthy foods. Likewise, if you want to have strong and mineral-rich teeth, you should avoid conventional oral hygiene products and resort to natural variants instead.

Recipe for a mouthwash that makes it possible to mineralize teeth

Even if you are about to buy a natural mouthwash, check the label first. There is a good chance that it contains glycerin.

But if you want to prepare your own mouthwash, the goal is to get a smooth and homogeneous liquid that is not too strong (otherwise you risk preventing the mineralization of the teeth).

In one of his books, Dr. Ramiel Nagel claims that it only takes 30 days for the enamel to be completely destroyed. It all depends on your diet (especially the type of fat you eat), your stress level, your sleep quality, your metabolism and your overall health.

If you want to slow down the degradation of tooth enamel, then you will need to make changes in your daily diet and in your daily behavior. So you want to have stronger teeth? The solution to your problem is in nature.

Did you know that animals that eat only raw meat have perfect teeth, free of caries? And haven’t you noticed that our pets, if we feed them processed food, tend to develop cavities?

The same principle applies to us. Being omnivores, if we want to have healthy teeth, we must adopt a diet rich in nutrients obtained from both plants and animals.

Nature has provided us with the most effective way to protect our tooth enamel. All we have to do is adopt a diet rich in calcium, phosphorus and soluble vitamins and avoid processed foods.

Recipe for a mouthwash that whitens teeth


  • 2 teaspoons calcium carbonate powder
  • 1 teaspoon of xylitol crystals
  • 10 drops of concentrated liquid trace elements
  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 2 cups filtered water (500 ml)

In a large bowl, place the calcium carbonate powder and xylitol crystals, and then add the water and stir. Pour the mixture into a bottle or jar, fix the stopper or lid, respectively, and shake well for 30-60 seconds, until the xylitol crystals dissolve.

Shake your mouth thoroughly before each use. You can keep it in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Mineralization of teeth by proper brushing

Why are the above ingredients so good?

  • Calcium carbonate powder helps to mineralize teeth.
  • Xylitol crystals protect teeth and gums.
  • Concentrated liquid trace elements help to mineralize the teeth.
  • Peppermint essential oil refreshes the breath.
  • Lemon essential oil can whiten teeth.

What should a natural mouthwash look like?

  • It must contain mint. Some people opt for another essential oil, such as eucalyptus, an equally good option. Remember: it is very important to have a fresh breath.
  • It must be a little sweet. We don’t want to suggest that you should use the whole bag of sugar (or you risk making even more caries). But it is very important that the mouth water has a pleasant taste.
  • It must contribute to the mineralization of the teeth. Saliva cleans our teeth and restores the mineral deposit lost due to the food we eat. A good mouthwash should contain minerals so that it can help saliva perform its function.
  • It must have a whitening effect. You definitely want to have a bright, white smile. But to achieve your goal, you do not have to resort to chemical treatments.
  • It should give you protection against cavities. Mouthwash should clean all food debris caught between the teeth.
  • It must be natural. You will have to prepare your mouthwash right at home. Use the recipe I presented above. Thus, you will be able to enjoy some results clearly superior to those offered by toothpastes and mouthwashes available in stores.

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