Method That Lowers Blood Pressure In 5 Minutes

In addition to adopting a healthy and balanced diet and exercising, you can use a method of traditional Chinese medicine to relax and stabilize your blood pressure. 
Method that lowers blood pressure in 5 minutes

When blood pressure is not kept under control, it becomes a serious health problem that can be life threatening. Do you know of any method that lowers blood pressure quickly?

Hypertension, also known as the “silent killer”, is a cardiovascular disease that affects many people around the world. About 78 million Americans suffer from hypertension, of which 16 million have not been diagnosed.

If not detected, the problem cannot be treated properly, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke or other serious illness. That is why it is important to have as much information about blood pressure as possible and to find out what you can do to reduce it if its value is too high.

What is blood pressure?

Method that reduces blood pressure applied by the doctor

Blood pressure is the pressure at which blood is pumped by the heart to organs in the body through a “network” of arteries, veins and capillaries.

The normal systolic pressure (higher number) of an adult is around 120 mmHg during physical activity and 80 mm mmHg at rest.

We talk about hypertension when the systolic blood pressure exceeds 140 mmHg and the diastolic (lower number) 90 mmHg. These values ​​can occur when the arteries or arterioles narrow, their role being to regulate blood circulation throughout the body.

When these vessels contract, the heart must make a greater effort to pump blood into the body, which leads to increased blood pressure.

The most worrying aspect is that, in general,  hypertension is not accompanied by strong symptoms, which increases the chances of developing a more serious disease without realizing it.

Occasionally, high blood pressure can cause palpitations in the head and chest, dizziness, fatigue and other mild symptoms that may indicate the presence of this problem.

What are the causes of hypertension?

To date, the causes of hypertension remain unknown, but there are certain factors that may influence its occurrence.

Among them we mention:

  • Cases of hypertension in the family.
  • The fact that you’re over 60.
  • High level of stress, anger or hostility.
  • The fact that you are overweight or obese.
  • Tobacco addiction.
  • Diet high in saturated fats.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Consumption of sodium-rich foods.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Diabetes.

How can you lower your blood pressure?

Method that reduces blood pressure through diet

To prevent and control hypertension, it is necessary to see a doctor for regular checkups. If your blood pressure values ​​are very high, you may need to completely change your lifestyle to stabilize them:

  • Increases the consumption of fruits and vegetables. 
  • Limit your daily salt intake.
  • Get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.
  • Add herbal teas and natural juices to your diet.
  • Avoid processed foods and those with a high fat content. 
  • Eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Lose weight.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco.
  • Practice relaxation techniques.

In addition to the healthy habits presented above, you can also resort to an ancient Chinese method of reducing blood pressure in just five minutes. 

What is this method of lowering blood pressure in 5 minutes?

Method that reduces blood pressure in women

The techniques of traditional Chinese medicine  are based on energy connections between several pressure points in the body and organs. 

This method, which reduces blood pressure in just a few minutes, involves putting pressure on three specific points.

The line between the first and second point

  • Forms a line behind the earlobe to the collarbone.
  • Draw this line with your fingertips, pressing lightly.
  • Repeat the same movement 10 times on each side of the neck for about three minutes.

The third point

  • After applying light pressure on the line described above, press with your fingertips on the point located one centimeter away from the earlobe, in the direction of the nose.
  • Gently massage each side, pressing carefully for one minute.

This method that reduces blood pressure is very effective when hypertension occurs as a result of stress or other emotional factors. It is important to remember that its effects vary from individual to individual and that it cannot replace a treatment prescribed by a doctor.

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