Wireless Router – Why Turn It Off At Night?

Electromagnetic radiation can cause many health problems, which is why it is advisable to turn off the wireless router and other electronic devices during the night. 
Wireless router - why turn it off at night?

New technologies have revolutionized the world, providing many opportunities for communication, work and leisure. These include the wireless router, an essential device in the lives of many people eager to access the Internet.

Wireless Internet (WiFi) is an indispensable tool in our homes, at work and in many other places. The wireless router offers the opportunity to connect to the network and take advantage of the information available on web pages.

Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages of using WiFi that, among other things, can affect your health. Many experts call wireless technology a “silent enemy.” Thus, reference is made to the levels of radiation emitted by it.

In today’s article we give you more information about the dangers of these devices. We also show you one of the ways you can minimize the risks:  turning off the router at night!

What are the hidden dangers of wireless technology?

The wireless router must be turned off during the night

There have been numerous studies that have revealed the dangers of radiation emitted by mobile devices. However, many people continue to be misinformed or ignore this.

This type of technology appeared decades ago and continues to develop today. But it will be a long time before we fully understand its influence on the human body.

So far, only a few studies have been conducted based on the analysis of the effects of electromagnetic waves on brain activity and human body systems.

There is evidence of its association with the development of cancer and other difficult-to-treat diseases.

Wireless technology is associated with the risk of developing cancer

A public report called BioIniatiative summarized around two thousand international studies. They link long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation with the development of tumors. They can also cause chronic headaches, hyperactivity and poor sleep quality.

People who work around this type of equipment follow a strict set of rules. They are meant to reduce the negative effects of radiation.

There is a growing concern about children’s exposure to these devices. They are most prone to these dangers, being in the growing season.

Countries such as the United Kingdom, France and Sweden have already begun removing WiFi devices from schools, museums, libraries and other public spaces. The goal is to reduce the use of these technologies. Furthermore, the use of alternative options, such as wired internet, is encouraged.

Steps to follow: turn off the wireless router

To reduce the negative impact of wireless technology, you can take several steps:

  • Turn off the wireless router at night or when no one is using it.
  • If you keep it in the kitchen or bedroom, try moving it to an area where you don’t spend much time.
  • Ask your internet distributor to install a wired connection, including for your phone. Although the cordless phone is more convenient to use, it also emits harmful radiation.
  • Use mobile devices or laptop for short periods of time. Don’t keep them in the bedroom.
  • Try to spend more time outside, exercising and reading printed materials and books, not in electronic format.
Wireless technology emits electromagnetic radiation

Dangers of exposure to electromagnetic radiation

Detached, there is no system to inform consumers about the dangers to which they are exposed as a result of electromagnetic radiation.

Even more frustrating is the fact that the level of this radiation increases considerably in short time intervals. So we can not know at what level it will reach in a few years.

In Japan and the United States, specialists are already trying to create new mobile technologies. It is intended that these do not involve the use of electromagnetic radiation. It may take about 30 years for all people to be warned about the effects of these devices.

Excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation should be avoided at all costs. Even if you feel that you can’t do much about it, try to follow the directions listed above.

As consumers, it is important to use technology carefully and responsibly. Turn off the router or other electronic devices when you are not at home.

The wireless internet allows you to perform many daily tasks. But don’t forget that these benefits come with a number of consequences.

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