Abdominal Fat Removal – Obstacles And Solutions

Can’t get rid of excess abdominal fat? Read on to find out why, as well as what you need to do to fix the problem.
Abdominal fat removal - obstacles and solutions

Removing abdominal fat is not only necessary to look better when we look in the mirror. We all know that this type of fat is unsightly, which we do not like. But the most important aspect is that abdominal fat is a health hazard.

Excessive fat accumulation in the abdomen has been associated with diseases such as heart disorders, type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance.

Burning this type of fat is not an easy goal to achieve, and the desired results do not appear overnight. We will need to be consistent, dedicated and, as much as possible, improve our lifestyle.

In today’s article we intend to give you a helping hand. Elimination of abdominal fat is possible, and in the following we explain what you need to do.

6 obstacles when it comes to eliminating abdominal fat

Eliminate abdominal fat as needed

1. Eat too many processed foods

You can adopt a diet to lose weight and follow it faithfully, you can even try that exercise routine that everyone has recommended to you, but still not get any results. Why doesn’t your abdomen react to the changes you’ve made?

  • One of the main reasons why this can happen to you is that you still eat various processed foods (bread, white, biscuits, chips, refined sugar, soft drinks, artificial sweeteners).
  • Remember, abdominal fat has been associated with inflammation. If you abuse processed foods, it will be much harder for you to eliminate it.

2. You feel that you need to eliminate ALL types of fats from your diet

Healthy diet to eliminate abdominal fat

Many people make this mistake. They tell themselves that they will not consume fat at all and start avoiding certain foods that, in fact, stimulate the elimination of abdominal fat.

In other articles we have discussed monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial. They provide an anti-inflammatory effect, support heart health and optimize body weight.

Feel free to include sources of monounsaturated fats in your daily diet, including:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Nuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Fatty fish (such as salmon)

3. You may not have a proper exercise routine

Sometimes a 30-minute walk, swimming, dancing and yoga are not enough. All these activities are healthy, but do not involve the “key regions” (abdomen, pelvis, back).

Eliminating abdominal fat doesn’t just mean doing a little more exercise. To do this, we will need to adopt a specific exercise routine.

4. Stress overwhelms you

Stress inhibits the elimination of abdominal fat

This is very important because many of us do not take it into account. You can follow an incredible cure and go to the gym, where a trainer explains to you what exercises will help you get the much dreamed abdomen.

However, you are not making any progress. Why?

  • Prolonged stress affects the metabolism, increasing the level of cortisol in the blood.
  • Due to this factor, the level of visceral fat increases, which is more easily deposited.

5. You don’t get enough sleep

It is essential to remember that if you do not sleep at least 6 hours a night, your physical and mental well-being will suffer.

At the same time, if you fail to sleep more than 5-6 hours a night for 2-3 consecutive months, in addition to the fact that you will not be able to thin your waist, you risk gaining weight or even getting diabetes.

6. Do you have a pear-shaped figure?

Strange as it may seem, it shouldn’t surprise us. When it comes to fat accumulation, body shape and genetic inheritance are key issues.

  • Some women have a weaker upper body (face, bust, arms, etc.), but tend to easily accumulate fat in the abdomen and hips.
  • Because the problem is based on genetic inheritance, eliminating abdominal fat will be more difficult. But “difficult” is not synonymous with “impossible.”

Some tips to eliminate abdominal fat and stay fit

Movement to eliminate abdominal fat

At the beginning of the article I mentioned that in order to get a toned abdomen, flat and without excess fat, you will have to change your habits. To achieve your goal, start by adopting a new way of thinking.

  • Every day, he says out loud motivating phrases like, “I’m losing weight” (not “I want to lose weight”) or “I’m proud of my progress” (not “I’m going to work hard”).

These expressions emphasize not the process, but the present effort and the desired results — important aspects that we often forget.

Another important measure is to implement certain tricks to eliminate abdominal fat. Here are some changes that are worth adopting right now:

  • Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice. During the day, drink sage tea.
  • Consume soluble fiber, reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates and do not skip any meals.
  • Eliminate alcohol and trans fats from your daily diet. Instead, opt for monounsaturated fats and increase your protein intake.
  • Keep your stress level under control and adopt an aerobic and strength exercise routine.
  • Sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night.
  • Eat fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines.
  • Eat probiotic foods to take care of your intestinal flora.
  • Follow carefully the treatment you have chosen and apply the tips in this article together with another person.

If you try to reach a goal with a friend, family member or partner, you will feel more motivated.

Keep in mind, however, that the desired results will not appear in a few weeks. In order to have a healthy lifestyle and a proper diet, take into account the information presented above.

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