Abdominal Fat Teas

Cinnamon and honey tea is a perfect blend to burn the layer of fat, especially on the abdomen, but also to speed up the metabolism.
Abdominal fat teas

There are many remedies that you can prepare at home and that promise to burn the layers of abdominal fat and speed up the metabolism. There are also some teas for abdominal fat, which can naturally reduce the fat layer

You can choose to go on a diet, exercise, use beauty treatments and much more. If you combine them, you will find that it will be easier to maintain a perfect body weight and figure.

Unfortunately, there are some areas of the body that are more difficult to tone and where fat is stored. The abdomen is a harder area to keep fit and needs more help. But fortunately,

Due to the genetic constitution, the body will accumulate more layers of fat in the abdominal area. If you have difficulty getting rid of this fat, you are not alone. There are several remedies based on healthy foods that can help you in the fight against this fat. Why not try?

Honey tea

Honey for abdominal fat

Honey and cinnamon tea has many health benefits, being a natural remedy that helps you speed up your metabolism and burn excess fat deposits, especially those in the abdominal area.

The secret is to replace sugar with natural honey. We recommend that you have a cup for breakfast and a cup before bed.


  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup hot distilled water


Boil the water. Add the honey and cinnamon, mixing well until both ingredients dissolve. After five minutes you can drink tea. If you consume it daily, you will start to see results in a week.

Lemon tea

Lemon for abdominal fat

Lemon is a wonderful fruit, full of nutrients that help you burn fat deposits and maintain an optimal weight. If you can not get rid of stubborn fat, then add to the list of teas for abdominal fat and lemon preparation.

Lemons have anti-inflammatory properties that help you get a flat stomach, as you dreamed.


  • A lemon
  • A large cup of hot water


Squeeze the lemon well in a cup. Add hot water. We recommend that you drink this tea in the morning because it will be more effective. You can give it a better taste by adding ginger, honey or an infusion of green tea.

Teas for abdominal fat from sage and bay leaf

Sage for fat

If you have digestive problems, this infusion will be useful. Sage and bay tea reduce the layer of abdominal fat and help regulate the digestive system.


  • 5 bay leaves
  • 1 hand full of sage leaves
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 liter of water


Boil a liter of water over high heat. When it starts to boil, add the sage and bay leaves and the cinnamon stick. Bring to the boil for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat. After straining, you can consume the tea.

We recommend that you include this tea in your diet for at least five consecutive days.

Lemon and garlic abdominal fat teas

Garlic for abdominal fat

Garlic is known for its nutritional properties and health benefits, including stimulating digestion, combating flatulence and treating inflamed intestines.

Garlic can help detoxify the body and eliminate toxins. These benefits have the effect not only of weight loss, but also protect the body from various diseases.

Lemon is one of the most effective alternatives to get rid of fat. It also treats diseases of the digestive tract and eliminates toxins, properties that we do not find in other foods.

The combination of garlic and lemon is one of the most powerful natural solutions to get rid of fat.


  • 1 head of garlic
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 1/2 liters of water


  • Boil water in a heat-resistant dish. During this time, clean the garlic and add it to the water.
  • Wash the lemons well. Cut them into quarters without peeling them. Add them to the garlic water when it starts to boil.
  • Bring to a simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Strain and allow to cool for at least 5 minutes. You can consume this tea every day.

Don’t forget these details to get rid of fat:

  • All the teas presented above are very effective in combating layers of abdominal fat if combined with a healthy diet, exercise and other weight loss methods.
  • For best results, beware of foods that can cause bloating or other side effects. Avoid eating them to have a flat stomach.
  • Consume these teas as recommended. Do not use them excessively, as this can have negative side effects.

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