About Carcasses And Their Prevention

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions and affect many people. In fact, each of us has had one at some point. Find out how to proceed when you have a cramp and how you can prevent these muscle cramps.
About cramps and their prevention

Pain can occur in any part of the body when you least expect it. We’re talking about the well-known prison. We have all faced this problem at least once, due to the structure of the human body, which is composed of muscles in any area. Below we will present some useful information about cramps.

What is a jail?

A cramp causes intense pain

A cramp is an involuntary muscle contraction. Sometimes the entire muscle tissue does not contract, but only a part of it. Thus, the carcasses can be said to be present only in a certain area of ​​the body. However, the pain is just as intense and annoying.

Cramps occur in the absence of direct trauma or muscle damage. In fact, this problem often occurs after overwork or even at bedtime.

Causes of involuntary muscle contractions

As mentioned above, cramps are not caused by direct trauma, as many people believe. The factors underlying this problem are diverse and have nothing to do with muscle damage.

The most common causes are:

  • Injuries to the spine.
  • Nerve problems.
  • Muscle overload.
  • Mineral deficiency.
  • Dehydration.
  • Poor circulation in the affected muscle area.
  • Compression of a nerve in the back or neck.

Other factors that lead to cramps are:

  • Task.
  • Menstruation.
  • Renal insufficiency.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Certain medications.

How do you proceed when you have a jail

Warm up your muscle groups to get rid of cramps

A cramp can occur at any time, so it is recommended to be prepared and know how to proceed in this situation. The question remains: how do you get rid of cramps?

Preventive measures before physical activities

Muscle overload is one of the main factors that trigger involuntary muscle contractions. That is why it is advisable to take certain preventive measures before exercising.

  • Warm up all your muscle groups, especially in the area you intend to train.
  • Hydrate well before, during and after physical activity.
  • Do not eat heavy foods.
  • If you want to eat something, do it at least 2 hours before training.
  • Avoid drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages.

About cramps and their prevention

There are several ways to relieve involuntary muscle contractions. Here are the easiest and most practical methods.

Massage the affected muscle

This is one of the most common ways to treat cramps. A massage is very easy to do and offers many benefits.

  • For starters, sit in a comfortable position, depending on the area where the jail appeared.
  • Massage the affected muscle in a circular motion with one hand, applying moderate pressure. In this way, you stimulate blood circulation, helping the muscle to return to its normal state.

The heat

A hot shower is useful when you have a cramp

This is another great alternative to combat muscle cramps, especially if they last a long time. Heat can be applied in several ways:

  • Take a hot shower: The heat of the water gradually attenuates the involuntary contraction. The combination of hot water and steam can be very effective.
  • Hot water compresses:  Soak a towel or cloth in hot water and apply it directly on the affected area to help the muscle recover.

Drink plenty of water

Since one of the main causes of cramps is dehydration, the solution is very simple: drink more water! This way, you not only treat the cramps, but also prevent them.

When you have a cramp, you need to drink at least half a liter of water. However, it is good to know if that contraction occurred during exercise. In this case, the cramping is definitely caused by dehydration.

Other useful information about ticks

Cramps are a common problem. Regardless of the discomfort they cause in the body, these muscle contractions do not last more than a maximum of 10 minutes. If you do not recover during this period, it is recommended to go to the doctor for an examination of the affected muscles.

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