Authenticity Means Sincerity Towards Yourself

People who love us already know who we are as individuals, so we have nothing to prove to them. They already know the limits we have set and understand that their rights end where ours begin.
Authenticity means sincerity towards yourself

Authenticity is a value that we should all embrace. The need to prove certain things to others in order to gain their approval and appreciation is a source of unnecessary stress. Sincerity towards yourself is important in the sense that we must respect our own values ​​and defend our dignity.

If you think about it for a few moments, you will probably realize that you do this very often. For example, you want to prove to your family and friends that you love them, and for this purpose you end up doing something contrary to your wishes. Of course, in order to be able to get along with another person, we often have no choice.

Sometimes we have to do certain things to make our relationship closer. Sometimes we simply have to live up to the expectations of the society in which we live.

But everything has a limit. In this case, the  limit is drawn by our values ​​and, last but not least, by our personal dignity. Every time we compromise these values ​​to prove something contrary to our nature, we run the risk of experiencing an identity crisis or suffering from depression.

In the following we will explain to you why sincerity towards you is essential for your personal well-being.

Authenticity is a way to be free and feel good

Saying “no” sometimes means hurting someone or, worse, disappointing a person we love. But despite this risk, the world is full of opportunities and a simple “no” can lead us to an infinite number of possibilities.

Spoken when needed, a “no” can lead to a “yes” at the right time. Here is a concrete example: you are in a relationship with a partner who creates many problems for you. Although you love each other sincerely, your time together only brings you tears and unhappiness.

A “no” at the right time — even if it’s hard for you to do so — will give you both a chance to start over and not hurt each other. But if you continue on the same path, you will only distance yourself even more and you will both suffer unnecessarily.

That “no” can open the door to a relationship in which you could be, indeed, happy and fulfilled. In this case, sincerity towards yourself helps you to be happier.

Sincerity towards you implies determination

Sincerity towards yourself involves determination and courage

Authenticity, the ability to show who you really are and what your real desires are are important survival techniques. It’s like marking your territory.

Being authentic, you tell others how close they are allowed to get. You signal to them what will happen to them if they exceed the limits you have imposed.

  • Clearly state what your values ​​are and what you are willing to accept and what you are not at the beginning of any relationship. Authenticity means giving others all the necessary information about yourself. By doing this, interactions with others and living with others will become much easier.
  • People who do not set certain limits run the risk of others exceeding the measure and always asking for more and more. In this situation, those around you will expect you to always be available to them and will not respect your rights and needs.
  • You don’t have to look at drawing these boundaries as an isolation from the world around you. On the contrary, it is a way to respect your own person.

When you have a clear idea of ​​who you really are, what you want from life and what you are not willing to accept, you have a feeling of inner peace. You start to get along much better with the people around you.

Also, by practicing authenticity, you will realize that others have the right to be themselves, without having to pretend. No one should feel compelled to behave contrary to his nature. Sincerity towards yourself can thus be better appreciated.

Sincerity towards you means self-confidence

I know who I am and I have nothing to prove

Indecision, insecurity and low self-esteem are factors that will cause you to always long for the approval of others to feel good. This is not healthy.

People who need the acceptance of others risk being always unhappy. This kind of person always tries to please his partner. She thinks that’s the only way she can feel good.

  • These individuals never say “no” to their family, even if they are asked to do something contrary to the values ​​they have internalized. The fear of disappointing others leads their lives. They do not want to behave differently from the image their family has of them.
  • All these habits will reduce your self-esteem and prevent you from having a positive, strong and authentic self-image. Sincerity to yourself is important — those who don’t listen to themselves end up forgetting who they are.
Practice honesty with yourself


We can say that life, more than anything else, is a process of personal discovery. From the moment you realize who you really are and establish a connection with this inner self, you will have more satisfying relationships with those around you.

Authenticity will help you to be freer, to be more aware of your own will and that of others. You will be able to carry out a joint project with someone more easily and you will feel freer.

It is not easy to be authentic. But it’s worth the effort to find that balance point where you can be the person you really are. You don’t have to mask your feelings. Authenticity, the courage to say “no” because you know you have nothing to prove, will help you be free.

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