Cake Prepared In The Microwave

If you want to make cup cakes, make sure you don’t use too much composition. Otherwise, it may spill out of the cups.
Cake prepared in the microwave

When it comes to desserts, quick, simple and, of course, delicious recipes are ideal. A concrete example is the following cake prepared in the microwave.

As hard as it may seem, the microwave is an appliance that can perform other functions besides heating and reheating the dishes, so that we get light meals.

It produces high and stable temperatures, only good for cooking simple dishes. We can also use it if we want to try recipes that do not require continuous mixing or slow cooking.

Things to remember when you feel like a cake prepared in the microwave

Preparing the microwave

Housewife trying a cake prepared in the microwave

Regardless of the recipe you choose, before using the microwave oven, you must prepare it properly. Thus, you will facilitate the cooking process and you will get the desired results.

  • Clean the microwave beforehand.
  • Select the cooking time, power level and space required.
  • Use the right tools. Say yes to those who can withstand the high temperatures of the microwave, such as glass pans, paper towels, heat-resistant plastic wrap, or baking bags.

Selecting the right ingredients

There is a wide range of cooking techniques and ingredients that we can use in the kitchen. But if you feel like a cake prepared in the microwave, use foods that have certain characteristics:

  • They can be fully cooked in less than five minutes.
  • Provides a spongy end result.
  • They are not high in calories (so you can protect your health).

How to make a cake in the microwave

Cake prepared in the microwave with chocolate

To get a tasty cake prepared in the microwave, you only need a few ingredients and the right utensils.


  • 1 tablespoon (30 g) of cocoa powder or bitter chocolate
  • 1/2 tablespoon (10 g) butter (at room temperature)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of warm milk
  • 3 tablespoons (45 g) flour (self-growing or 550)
  • 1 knife tip of baking powder


  • 2 heat-resistant vessels
  • 1 scissors
  • 1 scale

Method of preparation

  • First, prepare the bitter chocolate or cocoa powder. Using a spoon or scale, measure a portion of 30 g.
  • Then put the chocolate in one of the heat-resistant dishes. Heat it in the microwave for about 40 seconds so that it melts.
  • Add the butter and mix until you get a homogeneous composition.
  • The next step is to add the eggs and milk. Stir to maintain the consistency of the composition.
  • In the other heat-resistant bowl, sift the flour together with the sugar and baking powder.
  • Add these ingredients to the chocolate-based composition and mix carefully.
  • Make 3 holes in the bottom of the dishes you will use. This trick facilitates the circulation of air and steam. The prepared cakes will be spongy.
  • Divide the composition into equal quantities and pour into pots. Fill them halfway so that the cakes are similar in size. It leaves enough space for them to grow without overflowing.

Baking cakes

Cake prepared in the microwave oven with cinnamon

Before baking the cakes, cover the plate of the microwave with a paper towel. In addition to preventing dirt, this trick helps cakes to grow faster.

  • Select the appropriate power level for baking.
  • Do not let the cakes bake for more than 1.5-2 minutes at medium power. Take them out of the microwave.
  • Then turn them upside down without removing them from the dishes. Let them cool for 3 minutes. This trick will keep the heat inside the dishes.
  • Thus, with the help of the captured heat, the cake will continue to bake even after it has been removed from the microwave. Another advantage of this technique is that you will avoid excessive baking.
  • After the indicated time has elapsed, remove the cakes from the dishes.

At the end, you will get a delicious chocolate dessert.

Besides the fact that you will be able to enjoy a soft cake, with a spongy texture,  you will not have to put much effort or sacrifice all your free time to try this recipe.

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