Carrot Smoothie: Benefits And Recipe

Carrots contain vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that can help increase well-being. Want to try this carrot smoothie?
Carrot smoothie: benefits and recipe

Carrot is one of the vegetables that you should include in your diet because it is rich in many beneficial nutrients. You can use it to make all kinds of recipes. In this article, we will show you how to make a carrot smoothie and we will explain its many health benefits.

Drinks from carrots or any other vegetable are a good way to get a high dose of nutrients, especially vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Carrots give smoothies a striking orange color and a sweet flavor that will appeal to both children and adults.

The benefits of eating carrots

The most remarkable nutritional aspect is that carrots contain precursors of vitamin A. According to data provided by the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition, a medium-sized carrot covers 89% and 112% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A for men and women. aged between 20 and 39 years.

Carrots also contain an average amount of carbohydrates, of which a significant percentage are soluble fiber. It also contains other vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin B6, and certain minerals, such as iron, iodine, and potassium. Below, we will explain in detail its benefits.

Person who prepares carrot smoothie
Carrots are a versatile and nutritious food. It is an excellent source of vitamin A, fiber and antioxidants.

Among the carotenoids with provitamin A activity, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein stand out. Once you have ingested these components, your body converts them into vitamin A, which can improve eye health.

For this reason, experts recommend eating carrots to prevent blindness and dry eyes and to keep the retina and eye cells in good condition. In this regard, a study published in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology states that beta-carotene reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration (a disorder that gradually destroys vision).

This vegetable could prevent cardiovascular problems because it is low in sodium. It is also rich in water and dietary fiber. The latter help to reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol.

Carrots also help prevent excess bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. For this reason, including carrots in a healthy diet could help prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Classic carrot smoothie recipe

Method of preparation

Girl holding a bottle of carrot juice
In addition to providing nutrients, the carrot smoothie is filling. Therefore, it is a great way to satisfy your hunger without consuming too many calories.

Carrot, orange and ginger smoothie

Method of preparation

Enjoy this delicious carrot smoothie and enjoy its benefits

A carrot smoothie – or a smoothie made with any fresh vegetable – can provide the body with beneficial bioactive compounds. This satiating drink helps you improve the quality of your daily diet.

If you drink this smoothie regularly and base your diet on natural and quality products, you will contribute to visual, digestive and cardiovascular health and even prevent the development of various diseases. Prepare it too!

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