Causes And Symptoms Of Skin Cancer

We need to check our skin regularly if we want to catch any change in the appearance of our moles, this being one of the early symptoms of skin cancer.
Causes and symptoms of skin cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases today. Pollution, exposure to ultraviolet rays and even food are risk factors that can cause the development of cancer cells in the skin. Read on to find out more about the causes and symptoms of skin cancer.

The most common skin cancer is non-melanoma. This group of cancerous tumors includes all types of skin cancer, except malignant melanoma, which originates in the melanocytes of the skin.

Possible causes of skin cancer

  • One of the main causes of skin cancer is frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays. Those exposed to sunlight for long periods of time have a higher risk of developing skin cancer . The level of risk depends on the intensity of the sunlight, the period of exposure and whether or not the skin has been protected.
  • The use of tanning devices is another risk factor that favors the appearance of skin cancer. These devices are a source of ultraviolet radiation, which can cause the development of non-melanoma skin cancer.
  • Contact with or exposure to toxic chemicals such as arsenic, industrial tar, coal, paraffin or certain types of oils.
  • Radiation from radiotherapy.
  • Serious wounds or inflammation of the skin, such as burns, bone infections and / or skin affected by an inflammatory disease. 
  • Genetic inheritance.

Skin cancer symptoms

Mole affected by skin cancer

Any changes in the skin, such as sores, swellings, blemishes or strange signs  could be indications of the presence of non-melanoma skin cancer or, in the most severe cases, melanoma cancer.

  • Non-melanoma skin cancer has as an early symptom the appearance of dubious signs, a mass, swelling or spots that continue to grow for several months or even years. An ulcer that does not heal within three months can be included in the symptoms of skin cancer.
  • Basal cell carcinoma is a type of cancer that develops very slowly.  It is characterized by the appearance on the skin of reddish, scaly and flat areas, of waxy areas that bleed very easily, of brown or dark blue areas or of irregular blood vessels visible under the skin.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma covers 20% of all skin cancers and develops in the upper layers of the epidermis, usually on the face or back of the hands. It can be detected by the appearance of swelling with a rough surface or slow swelling of an already reddened area.
  • Kaposi’s sarcoma begins in the dermis, but can occur for the first time in an internal organ. Initially, it will look like a blow, but eventually it will develop into a tumor.

Symptoms of melanoma skin cancer

Symptoms of skin cancer present in moles

A common feature of all melanomas is the appearance of a new mole on the skin or a change in the shape or color of an existing one.

Another warning sign is the presence of a mole that looks different from the others on the skin. If you are in any of these situations, we advise you to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Another simple way to detect skin cancer is to apply the famous ABCDE rule:

  • Asymmetry: one half of the mole is different from the other.
  • “Border”: the  mole has poorly defined, uneven or abnormal edges.
  • Color: an irregular color that includes shades of brown or black. Reddish, bluish, whitish or pink spots may also be present.
  • Diameter: the mole has a diameter greater than 6 mm.
  • Evolution: the shape, color or size of the mole is constantly changing.

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