Clean The Taps With 5 Simple Tricks

Depending on the hardness of the water in the area where you live, your taps can accumulate calcium. In addition to being clogged, their appearance will be altered. The following natural cleaning products will make your sinks look like new in no time!
Clean the taps with 5 simple tricks

No matter how hard you try to make sure your home is clean, cleaning your faucets can be a challenge, especially if you live in an area with hard water. The condition of the water influences the appearance of limestone deposits, which rob the luster of these objects and cause the appearance of white and yellow spots that are difficult to remove.

In today’s article we present you some tricks to clean the faucets in your home in a simple and efficient way. All you need is natural ingredients to prepare the following solutions. With their help, you will avoid commercial products, which often do not deliver the promised results.

How to make faucets look like new

Clean the taps and make them look like new

Hard water is water with a high content of minerals, especially magnesium and calcium salts. If you live in a place where this type of water is widespread, we are sure that you frequently face the accumulation of limestone. This substance tends to form on surfaces that come in direct contact with hard water.

In the most severe cases, limestone deposits can partially block the flow of water through the taps. Limestone is difficult to remove, but an effective cleaning product can provide incredible results.

The good news is that the most effective limestone removal products are already in your home. You will have to be very patient and willing to put in a little effort, but the results will not disappoint you. Read on to find out how to clean your faucets!

1. Trick with white vinegar or lemon juice

A useful remedy to remove limescale from taps is to prepare a mixture of white vinegar and water. If you do not have the first ingredient at hand, you can replace it with lemon juice.


  • ½ cup of white vinegar or lemon juice
  • ½ cup of water


  • First, soak a paper towel or a clean cloth in the mixture obtained and wrap the taps with this object.
  • Then cover the taps with a plastic bag.
  • Leave the mixture to act for at least an hour.
  • Remove the bag and cloth.
  • Rub the taps well with a brush.
  • Rinse them with plenty of water and dry them.

This trick can also help you remove limescale accumulated on coffee makers and kettles. They will look like us!

2. Clean the taps with ethyl alcohol

Clean the taps with ethyl alcohol

Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, has an antiseptic effect. In general, this product is found in most homes. Among other things, alcohol can help make your faucets look like new.


It is enough to soak a towel in this liquid and use it to rub the taps. The limestone will disappear immediately, and these objects will be shiny again.

3. Clean the taps with flour

Sure, you already have flour in your kitchen cupboard, but did you know that this food can help you clean your faucets and restore their luster?


  • To apply this trick, the taps must be perfectly dry.
  • Sprinkle some flour on them.
  • Rub the faucets with a cloth until they shine. Limestone stains will be a thing of the past.

4. Clean the taps with toothpaste

Clean the taps with toothpaste

In addition to ensuring the health and beauty of the teeth, toothpaste is ideal for cleaning faucets. However, before applying the following trick, keep in mind that it is not good to apply toothpaste on gold or bronze faucets.


  • Apply toothpaste on the entire targeted surface.
  • Rub well with a smooth towel.
  • Rinse with water.

5. Don’t forget to clean the water filters in the sinks

If you live in a region where there is hard water, you have most likely installed water filters in the sink. Limestone can also be deposited on this object, reducing water pressure. Therefore, it is essential to clean the water filters as well.


  • Remove the water filter.
  • Put it for a few hours in a mixture of equal amounts of vinegar and hot water.
  • If traces of limestone remain, remove them with a needle.
  • Wash the filter well and reinstall it in the sink.

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