Deodorant Stains On Clothes – 6 Tricks To Remove Them

You can take advantage of the sun’s whitening effect to remove deodorant stains from clothes. This trick will increase the effectiveness of the other methods you use.
Deodorant stains on clothes - 6 tricks to remove them

Sweat and deodorant stains can destroy your clothing. But the solution is not to throw them in the trash. To remove unpleasant odors and deodorant stains on clothes, you need some 100% natural tricks.

Read on and remember!

1. White vinegar with warm water

The acids of white vinegar can remove the deodorant stains that form on the blouses in the armpit region. In addition, this product cleans clothes and makes them softer. It is worth using it when washing clothes!


  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) white vinegar
  • 1 gallon (4 l) of water


  • First, combine the vinegar with water. Cover the container and place it in a space free of sunlight.
  • When washing clothes, add a small amount of the previously prepared mixture in a plastic bowl and soak the stained item.
  • Let it soak for a few hours, then wash it as usual.

You can also use white vinegar instead of the solution to remove stains that you normally use. In addition to eliminating unpleasant odors, this trick will keep the colors of your clothes vivid and attractive.

2. Remove deodorant stains from clothes with baking soda

Baking soda used to remove deodorant stains on clothes

We seem to be discovering new and incredible uses of baking soda every day! This product should not be missing from any home. Below we show you how to use baking soda to get rid of deodorant stains on clothes.


  • 1 tablespoon (10 ml) water
  • 3 tablespoons (30 g) baking soda


  • Mix water with baking soda.
  • Apply the solution obtained directly on the stain. Rub the material carefully and leave the solution to act for a few minutes.
  • Wash that item as usual.

This simple stain removal trick is only recommended for light-colored clothing.

3. Hydrogen peroxide

Like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide has many domestic uses.

In addition to being a natural disinfectant, this liquid can remove stains and whiten clothes. All you have to do is prepare the next mixture and let it work.


  • 3 tablespoons (30 ml) 5% hydrogen peroxide
  • 4 cups (1 l) of water


  • Put all the mentioned ingredients in a bathtub or in a basin, mix them and soak the clothes in the solution obtained.
  • If you have a lot of laundry that you want to wash, you can increase the quantities. But don’t forget that you have to add 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide for every liter of water.
  • Let the items soak for a few hours, then rinse with warm water.

4. Powder for tenderizing meat

Deodorant stains on clothes removed with natural ingredients

As hard as it may seem, in addition to the kitchen, the powder for tenderizing meat can be used to remove deodorant stains from clothes.

Follow the instructions below and you will be convinced of the effectiveness of this trick!


  • 3 tablespoons (30 g) of powder for tenderizing the meat
  • 3 tablespoons (30 ml) of water


  • Mix the powder well for tenderizing the meat and water.
  • Strain the mixture and use it to rub the stained parts of the material for a few minutes.
  • Leave the solution on for at least half a day.
  • Then wash the laundry as you normally would.

5. Lemon juice

When it comes to removing deodorant stains from clothes without chemicals, lemon juice is one of the best options available.

Lemon can whiten materials and remove difficult stains. To take advantage of the incredible benefits of this fruit, follow the steps below:

  • Cut a lemon in half.
  • Rub the material from the armpit region with the lemon halves.
  • You can also rub other parts that tend to stain.
  • Spread the laundry and let it sit in the sun for at least 3 hours.
  • Rinse them with warm water and wash them as usual.

Sunlight amplifies the power of blemishes. Therefore, it is essential to lay out the targeted items in the sun.

6. Salt and vinegar

Deodorant stains on clothes removed with lemon juice

We have already mentioned that vinegar is very useful to remove deodorant stains from clothes. But if you combine it with salt, the results will be impressive.


  • 3/4 cup (150 ml) salt
  • 1 cup (200 ml) of vinegar
  • 1 cup (200 ml) of warm water
  • 1/2 tablespoon (10 g) dishwashing solution


  • Mix salt, vinegar and warm water.
  • Then add the dishwashing solution.
  • Let the laundry soak in the solution obtained for 3 hours.
  • Rinse with cold water, then wash them as usual.

We advise you to try the 5 tricks presented in this article as soon as possible. The longer the deodorant stains on the clothes, the harder it becomes to remove. To prevent this type of stain, use a natural deodorant.

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