Does Your Partner Love You Or Use You?

When you start to wonder if your partner really loves you or is just using you, you need to worry. One thing is clear: something is wrong.
Does your partner love you or use you?

Does your partner love you or use you? Sometimes our views on love prevent us from understanding what this really is. As a result, some relationships become toxic.

Someone who has the impression that loving means being dependent on a certain person cannot be happy. This individual will use his partner in various ways. For example, he or she will resort to manipulation to keep his or her girlfriend by his side.

The line between “loving” and “using” to get love (or something else) can often be very thin. It is important to be aware of what is happening.

So, does your partner love you or use you to make love?

Alarm signals that your partner loves you or uses you

As I mentioned before, your partner could use you to get love. By resorting to manipulation, it makes you satisfy his needs, which he has the impression that anyone who loves him must satisfy.

This is what usually happens in relationships marked by intense emotional dependence. Your partner may be “addicted”, which means that his happiness depends on you. Thus, to make him happy, you have to satisfy all his conditions.

For example, if your partner thinks you should do everything together as soon as you ask him for a little independence, he gets angry.

Rebuke, using past problems to hurt yourself, excessive crying, dramatizing the situation and the famous reproach “You don’t love me anymore!” – can use any of these weapons to attack you.

A childhood marked by painful experiences, negative patterns, misconceptions about love and the fear of being alone are possible causes of this type of behavior.

What can you do in such a situation? There is no room for discussion. When you wonder if your partner loves you or uses you, and the answer is the second option, you need to ask for help.

A specialist can help your partner analyze the circumstances that taught him to love in such a harmful way. You can take advantage of this experience to grow together and have a healthier relationship.

The partner does not love you, but hurts you

Situations in which the partner loves you or uses you

Maybe your answer to the question “Your partner loves you or uses you” does not match the ones listed above. In this case, you will have to do investigations to find out if the problem has other causes.

Some people do not know how to love or sometimes they love in a harmful way without realizing it. They use those around them as if they were simple objects.

For example, an individual who abuses his partner may want to feel superior and authoritarian. In addition, he or she may like it when someone “obeys” him or her. This behavior is harmful, attacking the self-esteem and integrity of the other.

Whether it is physical or psychological, abuse makes a relationship devoid of love. This must be clear. A person who abuses his partner does not know how to love, which is why he confuses this feeling with gestures that have nothing to do with him.

In such circumstances, you should try to end the relationship and ask for help. It’s often scary, but it’s normal. The good news is that you have many sources of support.

Loveless relationships

Moments when your partner loves you or uses you

Just wondering if your partner loves you or uses you is a wake-up call. If all went well, it wouldn’t even cross your mind to ask yourself this question.

What kind of relationship do you want to have and why? Are you with someone who needs you today, but not tomorrow? Your partner tells you “I love you”, but the next day he hits you?

We may obsessively think about the question “Does he love me or use me?”, But we should also ask ourselves why we are in such a relationship.

It is up to us whether or not we remain in a dubious situation. We must not forget that we have the power to decide whether we want to perpetuate it.

If you do not feel loved in a relationship, the question “Does your partner love you or use you?” it becomes useless. Usually, your intuition is right. Make it a priority to listen to him.

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