Don’t Let Anyone Make Your Life Bitter

The people around you make your life bitter only if you allow them. Otherwise, they have no power over you, because you are the architect of your own happiness. 
Don't let anyone make your life bitter

It is very easy for some people to make your life bitter. They use various methods, such as fear, a negative attitude, exploiting certain weaknesses, provoking pointless worries, and so on.

They are behaviors that are as frequent as they are unpleasant, which, without realizing it, plunge you into an ocean of apathy and bad mood.

It is important to take a different approach so as not to allow those around you to ruin your day with their harmful attitudes.

You have to keep in mind that bitterness is, above all, the inability to be happy. 

Before criticizing a person or accusing him of “doing nothing but destroying your life,” it is good to be patient and receptive. This way, you can find out if the individual is suffering from a stressful problem. If you realize that he only wants to hurt you, control you or blackmail you, then don’t let him.

It is forbidden to make someone’s life bitter

Starting today, you need to set a new goal: not to let anyone upset you or make your life bitter.

You need to open an emotional umbrella to protect yourself from the poisoned words of those who are just trying to cut off your wings, set your dreams on fire, and repeat to you every day that “you can’t,” when in your mind. your sound just “I want.”

To do this, you can use the following simple strategies:

Don't let anyone make your life bitter

I hear you, I understand you, but I defend myself from you

As already mentioned, negative behavior can be characterized by bitterness, irritability, apathy or even signs of hidden depression.

  • If your reaction is anger or disinterest, you can intensify the negative emotions of the person in question.
  • It is better to listen to her and try to offer her some counter-arguments, showing patience and self-control.
  • If he needs help, give him some tips or ideas to solve his problems.
  • If he does not treat you with respect and empathy, activate your defense mechanism and move away from it.

Bitterness is not fought with bitterness

You don’t have to respond to insults with insults. Fears do not evaporate in the presence of greater fears, and sadness does not disappear if you accumulate more negative emotions.

  • If your relative, partner or friend always darkens your happy moments, do not aggravate the situation by reacting with anger or hostility.
  • You have to be in control of yourself, but also intelligent. Sometimes you can’t change the people around you. Certain personality types have a tendency to discredit, offend, and humiliate others.

It is important to be aware of these issues and to defend yourself or distance yourself from such people.

Don't make life bitter for anyone

Methods to not make your life bitter

Rafael Santandreu is a psychologist who has written books such as The Art of Not Bittering Your Life (L’art de no amargar-se la vida). In this paper, the author shows that a poor quality of life can be the result of applying a wrong philosophy, through your actions and thoughts.

To prevent these inappropriate reactions, you need to learn not to let your experiences make your life bitter. Consider the following simple strategies:

  • Try to stop complaining. Instead of complaining about all the bad things that happen to you or everything you don’t have,  appreciate all the beautiful gifts you have received or try to solve the problem that upsets you.
  • To use Rafael Santandreu’s terminology, do not make your existence even more difficult. Many people utter remarks such as “If I quit this job, my life is over” or “If my boyfriend / girlfriend leaves me, I die.”
  • Even if you don’t realize it, you don’t need much to be happy. Appreciate the little things around you.
  • Pay attention to the inner dialogue. Sometimes you can be your biggest enemy. 
  • Don’t ask for or expect anything from anyone.
  • Love yourself unconditionally and accept those around you as they are. Love and respect them, as you respect yourself.
  • Laugh so as not to be overwhelmed by the chaos around you. Every time someone tries to tear you down, they react with humor.

Don’t let anyone make your life bitter.

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