Dry Your Laundry At Home Correctly

When you try to dry your laundry in the house, you create an environment conducive to mites. These little creatures can have a negative impact on your health.
Dry the laundry in the house correctly

When you read the title above, you definitely started to worry that probably the way you dry your laundry nowadays has a negative impact on these garments.

In reality, however, today we want to talk to you about the  dangers to which your health is exposed when you dry your clothes in the house. The humidity of the laundry that you spread on the dryer creates an environment conducive to mites. These are pests that thrive even in dusty areas.

Thus, when we spread wet clothes in the house, we increase the risk of contacting hay fever. In fact, we may experience discomfort if we already suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems.

It is not good to dry clothes in the house

In general, it is not good to dry clothes in the house

The Department of Environmental Architecture Research in Glasgow (Scotland) has carried out a very interesting study. The study group consisted of 100 households. Among the interviewed subjects, 87% used to spread their clothes inside the house.

The researchers paid special attention to the subjects who chose to spread their clothes in the house. They found that the humidity in their homes was enough to promote the development of mites and mold.

Moreover, it seems that subjects who dry their clothes at home have a 25% weaker immune system  than subjects who do not. In addition, the first group is more susceptible to lung infections.

Most of us have a washing machine, but many of us do not have an electric tumble dryer. Unfortunately, this device is not popular in our country, largely due to very high prices. On the other hand, this device is harmful to the environment.

In this situation, what can we do?

4 tricks to dry clothes on the wire faster

If you really have no choice and you have to dry your clothes at home, do not hesitate to try the following tricks. These will help you protect your health and get dry clothes in a short time.

1. Leave space between the clothes lying on the wire

With this trick, every item of clothing will be well ventilated, and moisture will not be transmitted from one coat to another.

2. Turn the laundry upside down

Certain items of clothing, such as jeans, can be very thick, which is why it is not easy to dry them at home. To simplify this process, wait for one of the faces of the item of clothing to dry, then turn it upside down.

3. You can dry your laundry with a hair dryer

You can dry your laundry with a hair dryer

Dry the small clothes with the help of the washing machine’s rotation program, then use the hair dryer. In just a few minutes and with minimal effort, the laundry will be perfectly dry. The main advantage of this trick is that the washing machine puts most of the effort.

4. Put the laundry in the freezer

This interesting trick is ideal for those times when it rains outside, but all our clothes are dirty and we have to go to work the next day.

Wash the targeted clothing, put it in a plastic bag and leave it in the freezer until it freezes.  After they melt, you will be surprised to find that they are perfectly dry. Iron them, put them on and you’re ready to leave the house!

We need a more sustainable architecture

The researchers who conducted the aforementioned study emphasized the importance of architecture in everyday life. According to them, the buildings should be equipped with special spaces for drying clothes.

These spaces could be private or shared and can be arranged either inside the buildings or outside them. The second option is the most beneficial because it eliminates the need for tumble dryers.

It is best to dry your laundry in spaces specially designed for this purpose

Clothes dryers are useful when it rains, especially in autumn and winter. When it is sunny outside, drying in the open air is the best option. Although you have to sacrifice some of the space in your home to dry your laundry properly,  you have nothing to lose if you build a small terrace.

Nowadays, we know the dangers of humid environments. Urban planning experts need to take these factors into account when building cities and neighborhoods. The benefits are obvious. In addition to protecting our own health, we care for the planet, which is home to each of us.

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