Electromagnetic Fields – How Do They Affect Us?

Although we live surrounded by electrical devices and it is very difficult to avoid electromagnetic waves, there are still ways to get rid of that daily radiation.
Electromagnetic fields - how do they affect us?

Electromagnetic fields are generated by all electronic devices whose role is to make our lives easier. Computers, mobile phones, sockets, microwave ovens, WiFi networks and more only produce where they can alter our health, causing problems such as insomnia, anxiety, allergies or dry skin.

In today’s article we will explain what electromagnetic fields are, how they affect you and what you can do to avoid them. If you want to know how you can use electronic devices without endangering your health, do not hesitate to read on.

What are electromagnetic fields?

At present, electromagnetic fields are present everywhere. Even if you don’t have electronic devices in the house, your neighbors probably do, and the waves they emit propagate to you.

Only those who live isolated from society are not surrounded by electromagnetic fields. Due to the fact that the waves that make up these fields are invisible to the human eye, many people do not pay much attention to this phenomenon.

Electromagnetic fields are present in the office

Electromagnetic fields are produced by the accumulation of electrical charges emitted by electronic devices and connections around us (TV antennas, radio and telephone stations, sockets or X-ray machines). Simply look around and you will discover dozens of devices emitting where. When you connect a device to an electrical outlet, it becomes surrounded by an electromagnetic field. The higher the voltage, the more intense the emitted field will be. If you connect a computer to the Internet via a WiFi network, the emitted waves surround your whole body.

Electromagnetic fields can also be emitted by the energy of the planet we live on. These are natural, but they have a certain impact on our health. The harmful effects produced by these fields can be prevented with the help of the tips we will present to you in the following.

How do electromagnetic fields affect us?

To date, no long-term studies have been performed on the harmful effects of continuous exposure to electromagnetic fields, despite the fact that this phenomenon is becoming more pronounced every year. People who spend most of their day exposed to these fields may begin to feel some negative effects. Those who work in an office are especially vulnerable.

Here are some possible effects:

  • Nervous system disorders (depression, anxiety, irritability, etc.)
  • Insomnia
  • Allergies
  • Hypertension
  • Eye problems
  • Dry skin
  • Difficulty concentrating, dizziness, disorientation
  • migraines
  • Stress
  • Infertility and problems during pregnancy
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Arrhythmia

Various studies suggest that, in the long run, electromagnetic fields may promote the development of cancer.

How to avoid the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields

In this sense, it would be ideal to move in the middle of nature, in an “eco” home without electronic connections. Unfortunately, most of us do not have this option.

Electromagnetic fields can be avoided in nature

But we can try to avoid electronic devices and the use of internet connections. These factors must be removed from the bedroom and from the spaces where we spend a lot of time. There are various tricks you can try to prevent electromagnetic wave pollution in everyday life:

  • Walk barefoot on the grass or on the beach for at least an hour.
  • Hug a tree for at least 15 minutes.
  • Sleep with a blanket of natural sheep’s wool under you, as this will act as an insulator.
  • Buy products that isolate electromagnetic waves (there are special products for mobile phones, for example).
  • Create some natural insulators using copper ( copper wire clothes, copper bracelets, etc.), because this metal can protect you against waves.

A trick you can try right now

Skeptics may try the following experiment. For a month, boil a little water in the microwave every day. Allow the water to cool, then use it to water a plant. Water a plant-like tap water. At the end of the experiment you will be able to see how each evolved.

One of the plants may not survive or grow as harmoniously. Do you guess which one?

Photo source: Paladin27 and phototouring.

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