Emotional Instability – When No Day Is The Same

If emotional instability is transient, there is no need to worry that this imbalance will worsen. After all, each of us sometimes has a worse day. However, if the problem persists for a long time, we should seek the help of a specialist.
Emotional instability - when no day is the same

Emotional instability is the ups and downs that our mood can have in a short time. Most often, we can easily identify the cause. Specifically, an unexpected event can make us feel sad or, on the contrary, happy.

First of all, we need to clarify one thing: emotional instability can be of several kinds. There is undoubtedly a serious behavioral disorder characterized by erratic moods, which can develop into a complex neurosis that requires medical attention.

Although it is not necessarily a disorder in itself, sometimes we feel that the world around us has suddenly become very gloomy. Basically, it’s as if something inside us has changed, without us knowing why. Read on to find out how you can feel good again.

What factors can cause emotional instability?

Some people seem to be permanently emotionally unbalanced. Sometimes they feel that everything is going well for them, while other times every project in which they are involved fails because, unexpectedly, their opinion and desires have changed.

These individuals have a very changeable personality and, in general, fail to arouse the trust of others. Living with such a person is like going to a roller coaster — the whole journey is made up only of ups and downs.

Leaving aside personality profiles and behavioral disorders, below we present some more common causes for which emotional instability occurs.

Emotional instability is temporary

Low self-esteem

Every human being will find himself at some point in a complex and delicate situation. Relationships characterized by instability can often cause emotional dependence. When a person is overly attached to their partner because they feel like a victim, they may have low self-esteem.

  • A possible consequence of this is emotional instability. The affected person will tell themselves that they love their partner and family, but they will feel angry and frustrated because, in reality, they are unhappy.

Hidden depression

According to experts, many people today, especially men, suffer from depression without realizing it. As it is difficult for them to discuss this issue and ask for help, they choose to suffer in silence. Here are the main symptoms of hidden depression:

  • Emotional instability
  • A negative mood
  • Apathy
  • Fatigue
  • Negative thoughts

Everyday stress

This is certainly the most common cause of emotional instability. External pressure and how we manage to cope with stressful situations will certainly influence our mood. On some days we will feel able to face any challenge, but other times even the most insignificant event will overwhelm us.

Emotional instability can cause hormonal disorders

Hormonal changes

Emotional instability can be caused by PMS. However, it should be noted that this symptom severely affects only 10% of women approaching menopause.

Genetic inheritance

We now have more information about the chemical composition of the brain than we have ever had. These scientific discoveries have revealed that genetic inheritance plays an important role in issues such as emotional instability.

  • The researchers observed that when the level of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin (responsible for regulating mood) is altered, the patient may experience emotional instability.
  • In this case, if the emotional instability is so intense that it affects your daily life, it is essential to seek the help of a professional.
Emotional instability can be caused by depression

How to overcome emotional instability

You must first accept that some days are darker than others. When you reach such a stalemate, it is natural to feel hopeless. Eventually, though, you’ll recover.

We humans are not robots, but emotional beings who react differently to stimuli. Sometimes we will be worried and feel vulnerable. At other times, we will suddenly become motivated and feel able to overcome any obstacle.

Your brain will always try to protect you in times of emotional instability. Here’s how you can lend a hand:

  • Relax your mind, drive away negative thoughts and move. Go hiking, cycling, painting and walking on the beach or in the woods.
  • Listen to yourself. Satisfy your needs and identify the problem that caught your attention.
  • Open up to people who understand you. Explain how you feel and try to relax with them. This experience is very cathartic.

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